Home Entertainment Views wanted on north-east council’s sexual entertainment venue licensing draft policy – Evening Express

Views wanted on north-east council’s sexual entertainment venue licensing draft policy – Evening Express

Views wanted on north-east council’s sexual entertainment venue licensing draft policy – Evening Express


A north-east local authority is appealing for people to give their views on a policy that will guide how applications for sexual entertainment venues are determined.

Aberdeenshire Council’s licensing sub-committee agreed last year that measures should be put in place to allow applications from sexual entertainment venues (SEVs) to be considered from December 2020, and to ensure the regulations of these venues.

The council hopes to gather views from the public, partner agencies and community groups before the policy is finalised, and has launched an online survey.

There are currently no SEVs in Aberdeenshire, and the creation of a policy does not necessarily mean this will change.

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A policy will provide guidance to applicants and will be relied upon when formal decisions are to be made.

Licensing sub-committee chairman Councillor Fergus Hood said: “It is important we have a policy in place for any applications we may receive, and the sub-committee wanted to provide a steer on an appropriate number of SEVs in Aberdeenshire.

“This is just a starting point for discussion and we’re keen to get views on the draft policy from of as wide a range of partner and community groups, as well as the wider public, before a final version is agreed.”

The online survey is now open until September 21, and can be accessed at http://bit.ly/SEVshire


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