The Vikings decided to practice on Thursday afternoon after a two-hour meeting that took the place of their morning walk-through as players processed their emotions over the shooting of a Black man in Kenosha, Wis., on Monday.
Jacob Blake was paralyzed after a white policeman shot seven bullets, hitting him in the back four times, from point-blank range on Monday. The shooting led the Packers, Bears and Lions, among other teams, to cancel practice on Thursday as players took time to discuss the racial justice matters that have occupied a significant share of the nation’s conscience in recent months after George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis.
Beginning Wednesday afternoon, NBA, WNBA, MLB and MLS athletes have chosen not to play games in the aftermath of the shooting in Kenosha. Some Thursday games in the NBA, WNBA, NHL and MLB have also been postponed.
The Vikings pushed back a previously scheduled news conference for coach Mike Zimmer, first delaying it by an hour before postponing it indefinitely, and canceled media availabilities for quarterback Kirk Cousins, offensive coordinator Gary Kubiak and co-defensive coordinator Adam Zimmer.
Team play-by-play man Paul Allen, who was broadcasting his morning radio show from the Vikings’ outdoor practice fields, said linebacker Anthony Barr was the only player to emerge from the locker room for Thursday morning’s walk-through, saying something to coaches before all walked off the field.
As the Vikings’ practice fields sat ready for use, they delayed opening their facility to reporters for more than 90 minutes, while they remained in discussions about whether they should practice a day after
They ultimately chose to take the field as they’d been scheduled to do at 1:45.
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