Z Renaissance: A New Era
Friday: Promising to “educate, advocate and inform the community about the ways that youth can and are making change,” this virtual festival came together after the High School for Recording Arts in St. Paul paired up with other schools in New York and Los Angeles to form the Z Voices Collective after the George Floyd tragedy. Participants will include Genesis Be, D Smoke, Lewiee Blaze, Olmeca, Frank Waln and local mainstays Maria Isa and Tish Jones, with comments from the new Minneapolis NAACP president, Leslie Redmond. (1-3:30 p.m. Fri. Free, zrenaissance.eventbrite.com.) Chris Riemenschneider
Rhythmically Speaking
Friday: Erin Liebhard’s “Rhythmically Speaking” showcase of jazz and popular dance has become an August stronghold, with a fresh mix of styles and rhythms from dance makers based locally as well as elsewhere in the U.S. This year, because of coronavirus, the full production is postponed until next spring, but they’re having a virtual sneak peek this week, offering dance lovers a taste of what is to come. You’ll also get to see some sweet improvisations by the Rhythmically Speaking dancers. (7:30-9 p.m. Fri., Zoom. $20-$24 donation, no one turned away; rhythmicallyspeakingdance.org.) Sheila Regan
Michael Monroe
Saturday: It isn’t exactly an escape to idyllic Grand Marais, but it will be a virtual Up North experience as Minnesota acoustic music master Monroe celebrates the 15th anniversary of his Log Cabin Concert Series. He will livestream from his cabin near Grand Marais, offering originals as well as selections from his tribute shows to Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and Peter, Paul & Mary. There is room for maybe a couple dozen people in person ($50), but the livestream is free. (7:30 p.m. Sat., facebook.com/logcabinconcerts.) Jon Bream
BACK CATALOG LISTENING PARTY: Hosts Mother Banjo and Anthony Ihrig with Mark Kreitzer. 4 p.m. today. Facebook.
GIRLS ROCK N ROLL RETREAT: She Rock She Rock presents 11 bands. 6 p.m. today. $5. flipcause.com.
VIRTUAL MUSIC TRIVIA: Host Brian Ward and Minnesota Orchestra musicians present trivia. 7 p.m. today. minnesotaorchestra.org/trivia.
LAKES AREA MUSIC FESTIVAL: House of Makers with pianist Henry Kramer. 7:30 p.m. today; Lakes Area Music Festival Baroque Ensemble with violinist Chloe Fedor. 7:30 p.m. Sat.; digital finale with performances from around the globe. 2 p.m. Sun. lakesareamusic.org.
TED HAJNASIEWICZ: 10 a.m. Sat. Facebook.
CHRISTOPHER JACKSON: Hennepin Theatre Trust presents a virtual benefit concert. 7 p.m. Sat. $40. hennepintheatretrust.org.
MICHAEL MONROE: 7:30 p.m. Sat. Facebook.
MINNESOTA GUITAR SOCIETY: Benefit concert with Robert Everest, Annett Richter, Leslie Shank, Joseph Hagedorn and Jeffrey Van. 7:30 p.m. Sat. mnguitar.org.
DJ NOISE AND TOD GELLE: 9:30 p.m. Sat. twitch.tv/groundzeromn.
LESLIE VINCENT: 7 p.m. Mon. Facebook and Instagram.
DAKOTA DAVE HULL: 10 a.m. Tue. Facebook.
BLUESFEST LIVE: Kendra Glenn. 7 p.m. Mon. crowdcast.io/e/blues-fest-live-2.
JAZZ FEST LIVE: Dave Graf 7:30 p.m. Thu. crowdcast.io/tcjazzfestival.
HIP @ HOME: Twin Cities Early Music’s live performances recorded or streamed from performers’ homes and locations without audiences. tcearlymusic.org.
MINNEAPOLIS MUSIC IN THE PARKS: Previously recorded concerts. Minneapolis Parks YouTube page.
ST. PAUL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA: Online concert library with recordings of 62 concerts and 122 compositions. thespco.org.
TWIN CITIES QUEER BLACK EXCELLENCE: Films, roundtable discussions and performances. Today-Sat. Facebook.
PARK SQUARE THEATRE: “Riddle Puzzle Plot,” an online interactive mystery. 7:30 p.m. today-Sat. $30. “The Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society.” 7:30 p.m. Mon. $15. parksquaretheatre.org.
THE UNICORN ART SHOW 6: A fantasy art show presented by Otherworldly Arts Collective. 7-10 p.m. Mon. Facebook.
COMEDYSPORTZ: Live virtual matches. 7:30 p.m. Sat. csztwincities.com.
PICNIC FOR THE PARK: A virtual fundraiser for Mississippi Park Connection with online auction. Wed.-Aug. 26. Eventbrite.
THEATER THURSDAY: Previous recordings of Landmark Center’s history plays. Noon Thu. landmarkcenter.org.
LIBRARY HAPPY HOUR: A discussion of pop culture and irrelevant topics. Hosted by Hennepin County Public Library. 5 p.m. Thu. hclib.bibliocommons.com.
SOUND FOR SILENTS: Walker Art Center presents a virtual experience of the annual event with online screenings of experimental films and new scores. 8 p.m. Thu. walkerart.org.
VIRTUAL CAT VIDEO FESTIVAL: Donations taken for the Bitty Kitty Brigade. 8 p.m. Mon. catfestmn.com.
ILLUSION THEATER: Fresh Ink series with online streaming of “In this Moment.” Ends Sun. illusiontheater.org.
PARKWAY THEATER: Virtual screenings of independent films. theparkwaytheater.com.
OPEN EYE FIGURE THEATRE: “Kevin Kling’s Greatest Hits & Juicy Bits.” “The Learning Fairy.” Ends Aug. 31. openeyetheatre.org.
CELTIC JUNCTION ARTS CENTER: Free online screening of films through Documentary Educational Resources with themes on social and political activism, human rights and criminal justice. der.org/watch-from-home.
GAMUT GALLERY: “Blank Slate,” a virtual exhibit of works by various artists. Ends Sept. 18. gamutgallerympls.com.
GROVELAND GALLERY: Online catalog of the “Summer Invitational” exhibit. grovelandgallery.com.
LANDMARK CENTER: Virtual walking tours. Also online exhibits, “Public Art: The Permanent Collection of Landmark Center” and “Outdoor Painters: Love for Minnesota.” Ends Aug. 31.
THE M @HOME: Online engagement from the Minnesota Museum of American Art, including videos of the current exhibition, “A Choice of Weapons, Honor and Dignity: The Visions of Gordon Parks and Jamel Shabazz.” mmaa.org.
MSP FILM SOCIETY: “Virtual Cinema,” selected films. “We the People: Required Reading,” films with themes of systemic inequality. mspfilm.org.
NORTHERN CLAY CENTER: “Six McKnight Artists,” virtual exhibition of work by 2020 McKnight Artist Fellowship and Residency for Ceramic Artists. Ends Aug. 23. nccshop.org.
RIVERVIEW THEATER: Virtual screenings of independent films. riverviewtheater.com.
ROSALUX GALLERY: “Mirror,” various works curated by Danielle Krysa. Ongoing.
WAM@HOME: Virtual tours of the Weisman Art Museum, kid-friendly activities and livestream videos. wam.umn.edu.
SINGABLE STORYTIME: Hosted by Twin Cities Music Therapy Services. 10:30 a.m. today. Facebook.
INDIAFEST: India Day with flag hoisting, activities and cultural performances. 10 a.m. Sat. iamn.org.
SASSY LASSY TRIVIA: 8 p.m. Sat., Wed. Facebook.
AMERICAN SWEDISH INSTITUTE: Virtual Makers Morning. 10:30 a.m. Tue. Stories in a Snapshot. 2 p.m. Tue. Online exhibit of the photograph series, “Swedish Dads” by Johan Bavman. asimn.org.
ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY: Live storytimes. 10:15 a.m. weekdays. Facebook.
CARVER COUNTY LIBRARY: Virtual escape room. Daily; Schiffelly Puppets. Mon.-Fri.; Storytime. 10:30 a.m. Mon. & Wed., 6:30 p.m. Mon., Wed. Facebook.
RAMSEY COUNTY LIBRARY: Virtual family storytime. 10:30 a.m. today, Mon.; baby storytime, 10:30 a.m. Wed.
ST. PAUL PUBLIC LIBRARY: Mental Health Monday for teens, new activities posted each week. Storytime. 10:30 a.m. Tue.-Thu. Art with Z, instructional art videos for teens posted every Friday. Facebook and sppl.org.
WILD RUMPUS BOOKS VIRTUAL STORYTIMES: 7 p.m. Tue.; 6 & 7 p.m. Thu. wildrumpusbooks.com.
HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY: Family storytime. 3:30 p.m. Tue.; baby storytime. 3:30 p.m. Thu. Facebook.
WASHINGTON COUNTY LIBRARY: Storytime and early literacy programs. 10:30 a.m. weekdays. Facebook.
CTC@HOME: Children’s Theatre Company presents videos and activities for families. childrenstheatre.org.
HISTORY AT HOME: Online exhibits and resources from the Minnesota Historical Society. mnhs.org.
TWIN CITIES SISTERS IN CRIME: A panel of local authors moderated by Timya Owens. Noon. Sat. crowdcast.io/e/shes-all-that-and-a/register
LYZ LENZ: “Belabored.” 7 p.m. Mon. Magers & Quinn Facebook page.
CAROLYN HOLBROOK: “Tell Me Your Names and I Will Testify.” 7 p.m. Tue. tinyurl.com/MWPThesetimes; 7 p.m. Wed. rclreads.bibliocommons.com/events/5ef1215c46ac164500d7d0ca.
MATT GOLDMAN: “Gone to Dust” and “The Shallows.” 7 p.m. Tue. City of Edina YouTube channel.
RACHEL WILEY: “Fat Girl Finishing School.” 7 p.m. Sun. Eventbrite.
JOHN GALLIGAN: “Dead Man Dancing. 7 p.m. Tue. crowdcast.io/e/john-galligan-dead-man/register.
PETER GEYE: “Northernmost.” 7 p.m. Tue. loft.org.
ANNA BRUNO: “Ordinary Hazards.” 7 p.m. Wed. Magers & Quinn Facebook page.
KATHLEEN ROONEY: “Cher Ami and Major Whittlesey.” Magers & Quinn Facebook page.
SUN YUNG SHIN: The editor of “A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota” speaks with contributors Taiyon Coleman, Shannon Gibney, David Lawrence Grant, Carolyn Holbrook, IBé, and Andrea Jenkins. 7 p.m. Thu. thefriends.org.
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