Home Latest WATCH: World’s first-ever 4K video of Mars captured by NASA Rovers

WATCH: World’s first-ever 4K video of Mars captured by NASA Rovers

WATCH: World’s first-ever 4K video of Mars captured by NASA Rovers


With scientists conducting trying to find out more about the Red Planet, British YouTubers have successfully rendered the “first time” Martian footage in 4k resolution with the help of NASA’s robotic rovers named Curiosity, Spirit, and Opportunity that could help researchers to study about Mars more.

Publish Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 01:26 PM IST

New Delhi | Jagran Trending Desk: Mars, which is also known as the Red Planet, has always intrigued people across the world. Scientists and researchers claim that Mars can support life and are finding ways and conducting research on how humans can colonise the Red Planet.

With scientists conducting trying to find out more about the Red Planet, British YouTubers have successfully rendered the “first time” Martian footage in 4k resolution with the help of NASA’s robotic rovers named Curiosity, Spirit, and Opportunity that could help researchers to study about Mars more.

Some extraordinary images captured by Nasa’s robotic rovers are giving Earthlings their first look of Mars in ultra-high definition video.

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With the help of the extraordinary images captured by NASA’s robotic rovers, people across the Earth are now able to take a look at the first 4K resolution video of the Mars which shows the Red Planet’s surface, including deserts, dunes, outcroppings, and the cracked ground strewn with jagged rocks. 

The 10-minute video was shared by the YouTubers on their channel ElferFox Documentaries on July 17. So far, the video has gained over six million views along with thousands of comments. The locations that are visible in the 4k video have been named Burns Cliff, Santa Maria Crater, Cape Verde, and Marathon Valley Entrance.

Sit back and watch now:

ElderFox Documentaries used thousands of pictures of the Red Planet shared by NASA on its website. The team has remastered and ‘upscaled’ the image of Mars which were captured by NASA rovers Spirit, Curiosity and Opportunity. Since Mars is a static planet, the US space agency had focused on the pictures rather than videos.

The team created a panorama of recorded images. They described their documentary as “the most lifelike experience of being on Mars”. Some of the view in the video was recorded blank section.

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In the video, the narrator explained a few things along with the view of Mars. He called a view the “largest mosaic ever put together” in the video. It was made from more than 1,000 images shot by Curiosity between November 24 and December 1, 2019.

“The rover was exploring the area named ‘Glen Torridon’ which was theorized to contain large amounts of clay,” the narrator said.

“Clay found on Mars signals the presence of water in the past. At this point, in 2020, the Nasa rovers have found irrefutable evidence that Mars was once a watery planet,” he added.

He further explained the colour of the Martian sky – which was reddish and hazy, saying that the range in colour from yellow to blue which is the result of “the re-colouring of images done by Nasa in order to aid geologists identifying rock formations.”

“This technique also produces a much clearer picture so we can see Mars in much greater detail,” the narrator added.

In the present time, Spirit and Opportunity are no longer in function. However, Curiosity is scheduled to be joined on Mars next year by a new rover, Preservance.

Posted By: Aalok Sensharma


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