Home Latest What are popcorn lungs? Read on to know all about its signs, causes and therapy – News Healthcare

What are popcorn lungs? Read on to know all about its signs, causes and therapy – News Healthcare

What are popcorn lungs? Read on to know all about its signs, causes and therapy – News Healthcare


Ever heard of popcorn lungs? It is uncommon situation that results in severe and irreversible harm to the lungs. Known as bronchiolitis obliterans, the illness damages your lungs’ smallest airways and makes you cough and really feel in need of breath.

According to consultants, it’s typically brought on by inhaling a chemical used to taste microwave popcorn. However, different chemical compounds or lung sicknesses also can trigger popcorn lung.

What are the causes of popcorn lungs?

Diacetyl, a buttery-flavored chemical in meals like popcorn, caramel and dairy merchandise, when inhaled can result in bronchiolitis obliterans. According to experiences, when employees at a manufacturing unit that packaged microwave popcorn had been discovered to have bronchiolitis obliterans extra typically than different folks, some firms stopped utilizing diacetyl as a flavoring.

However, it’s nonetheless utilized in some digital cigarette flavors within the US. Many e-cigarette makers state they aren’t utilizing this chemical of their merchandise and its use in e-cigarettes is banned in Europe.

Another widespread trigger is acetaldehyde, a chemical discovered within the smoke from marijuana and a few digital cigarettes.

Other chemical compounds that may trigger popcorn lung embody:

  • Metal oxide fumes, a typical byproduct of welding
  • Formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical utilized in some glues and constructing supplies
  • Sulfur dioxide, a pollutant launched by burning fossil fuels
  • Ammonia
  • Chlorine
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Sulfur mustard, a chemical weapon referred to as “mustard gas”

What are the signs?

Symptoms of popcorn lungs embody:

  • dry cough
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling drained or wheezing with out an apparent purpose

How to deal with popcorn lungs?

Treatments for popcorn lung could embody:

  • Corticosteroids to combat irritation, similar to prednisone.
  • Inhalers to assist with respiratory, similar to these with albuterol.
  • Oxygen remedy.
  • Lung transplant, however that is advisable solely in essentially the most extreme and excessive circumstances.

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