Home Health When is Ekadashi? 5 Recipes That You Can Consume While Fasting

When is Ekadashi? 5 Recipes That You Can Consume While Fasting

When is Ekadashi? 5 Recipes That You Can Consume While Fasting


Ekadashi, a celestial occasion in Hinduism, happens twice a month, and the upcoming Utpana Ekadashi on December 8, 2023, is making a buzz. Devotees consider that by observing Ekadashi’s fasts, they obtain the blessings of Lord Vishnu, and their troubles vanish into skinny air. However, there are fasting guidelines to comply with, and we have the inside track on what to not devour and delectable recipes to strive throughout this sacred interval. According to the Hindu Panchang, Ekadashi falls on the eleventh day of every lunar month, with significance hooked up to the primary full moon and the second Amavasya. A complete of 24 Ekadashi days grace the calendar, every devoted to Lord Vishnu, promising fulfilment for these observing the quick.

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Utpana Ekadashi Muhurta:

– Starts: December 8, 2023, at 05:06 AM

– Ends: December 9, 2023, at 06:31 AM

What to Steer Clear of on Ekadashi?

1. No meat, garlic, onions, or lentils a day prior.

2. Rice consumption is an absolute no-no.

3. Barley, brinjal, and semfali are off the menu.

4. Say goodbye to cabbage, carrot, turnip, and spinach.

5. Strictly keep away from meat, alcohol, and medicines.

5 Recipes That You Can Consume While Fasting 

If you are fasting on Ekadashi, keep on with sattvic meals. Fruits like mangoes, bananas, and grapes are your go-to. Almonds, pistachios, candy potatoes, common potatoes, sago, black pepper, and kuttu may be included in your fasting menu. Here are some lip-smacking recipes to tantalize your style buds:

1. Rajgira Puri

   Crispy and deep-fried, these puris are constructed from a mix of boiled potatoes and water. Fry till golden brown and pair with a pleasant potato vegetable. Click here

2. Sabudana Khichdi

   Quick and simple to make, this dish with potatoes, inexperienced chillies, black pepper, and rock salt is mild on the abdomen and retains you full for a very long time. Click here

3. Aloo Rasedaar

   Enjoy this easy potato dish with cumin, tomato, rock salt, and lightweight spices. Pair it with Puri or Rajgira Puri for a satisfying meal.Click here

4. Sabudana Tikki

   Satisfy your cravings with these tasty tikkis made by mixing potatoes, peanuts, and spices. A pleasant choice in your fasting days.Click here

5. Kuttu Halwa

   Indulge your candy tooth with this delectable halwa constructed from ghee, dry fruits, and sugar. Quick to arrange, it should preserve your abdomen completely satisfied throughout the quick. Click here

If you are observing Ekadashi this time, comply with the foundations diligently and provides these recipes a shot. Let us know which one tickled your style buds essentially the most!

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