Home Health When Is Lohri 2023 – January 13 Or 14? Here’re The Exact Date, Timing And Traditional Festive Recipes

When Is Lohri 2023 – January 13 Or 14? Here’re The Exact Date, Timing And Traditional Festive Recipes

When Is Lohri 2023 – January 13 Or 14? Here’re The Exact Date, Timing And Traditional Festive Recipes


The finish of the winter solstice is widely known with a lot enthusiasm with the Lohri pageant. Also known as ‘Lohadi’ or ‘Lal Loi’, Lohri is a well-liked Punjabi and Hindu pageant noticed largely within the northern a part of India. Lohri falls within the Hindu month of ‘Pausha’, and as per the Gregorian calendar, January 13 of yearly has been earmarked for Lohri celebrations. But this 12 months, there may be some confusion concerning the date of Lohri 2023. Both January 13 and January 14 are being thought-about for the pageant celebrations. We discovered the precise date of Lohri 2023 which you may also observe.  

Lohri 2023: Date And Timings | When Is Lohri?

According to drikpanchang.com, Lohri 2023 falls on January 14 (Saturday) this 12 months and Makar Sankranti might be celebrated the following day on January 15 (Sunday). The time for Lohri Sankranti Moment is 08:57 PM on January 14.  

(Also Read: Lohri 2023 – These 5 Gur Desserts Will Amp Up Your Festive Meal)

Lohri 2023: Significance And Traditional Rituals | What is the story behind Lohri?

Lohri marks the top of the sowing season of winter crops and makes approach for a superb harvest season. The Punjabi and Hindu communities pray to the Sun god (Surya devta) and Fire God (agni) for agricultural prosperity and plentiful harvesting of the crops sown earlier than the winter season. Lohri is generally celebrated in Punjab, and likewise in close by states of Haryana, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh. Lohri comes a day earlier than the Makar Sankranti pageant, which welcomes hotter days forward with shorter nights and longer days. 

People rejoice Lohri with a bonfire and supply festive snacks like sesame bites (rewari), peanuts (moonghfali) and gajak to the Agni. There can be a convention of dancing and people singing across the bonfire. And identical to some other pageant, Lohri is widely known with some signature meals fabricated from seasonal meals. Following are among the mostly ready and served meals throughout Lohri. 

Lohri 2023: 5 Popular Lohri-Special Recipes 

1.Gajak Or Chikki: 

Lohri sees many individuals serving sweets fabricated from winter-special gur (or jaggery). Gur ki chikki is the most well-liked. Melted gur is mixed with crunchy peanuts to provide a candy delight that’s warming, wholesome and tremendous scrumptious. Click right here for the recipe for Gajak

2. Til Ladoo 

Almost all Indian pageant spreads have some type of ladoos in it. On Lohri, it’s until ka ladoo. The mixture of til (sesame seeds) and gur makes for a pleasant candy that retains you heat from inside within the chilly climate. Click right here for the recipe for Til Ladoo

3. Gur Ki Roti 

The put up bonfire session, the Lohri dinner unfold contains traditional winter specialities; gur ki roti is one among them. The wheat bread is stuffed with melted gud to provide a particular candy roti that everybody loves. Click right here for the recipe of gud ki roti

4. Sarson Ka Saag 

It is customary to make sarson ka saag from winter-special mustard greens. The addition of bathua and palak makes this dish a stunningly mouth-watering deal with. Click right here for the recipe of sarson ka saag

5. Makki Ki Roti 

Sarson ka saag is paired with makki ki roti which is made with makai atta and could be seasoned with salt and spices. Slather it with plenty of white butter and revel in it with the scrumptious saag. Click right here for the recipe of makki ki roti

Happy Lohri 2023! 

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