Home FEATURED NEWS When the world is facing a crisis, Lord Buddha’s teachings become more relevant.

When the world is facing a crisis, Lord Buddha’s teachings become more relevant.

When the world is facing a crisis, Lord Buddha’s teachings become more relevant.
The Mahabodhi Temple is an ancient, Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya, at the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. Pilgrims queue to see the Buddha statue in the temple, offer prayers and place flowers on the altar.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, in his address at the virtual Vesak global celebrations on the occasion of Buddha Purnima, cited the relevance of Lord Gautam Buddha’s teachings at a time when the world is facing a crisis such as the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and also urged the public to honour the victims and frontline warriors of the pandemic.

“Lord Buddha became his own visionary and showed others the path to enlightenment,” he said.

The PM said the nation’s growth would also help script the global development, and India is constantly working to help other countries and committed to doing so in the future as well.

“While making all possible efforts to save each and every life of our citizens from the Covid-19 scourge; India is also fulfilling its global responsibilities,” he added.

“Every word and preachings of Lord Buddha reinforce India’s commitment to serving humanity,” he said.

The PM appealed to the public not to give up and continue to face the challenge unitedly to defeat the pandemic.

He cited the examples of the frontline Covid-19 workers and called for honouring their resilience.

“During this difficult time, there’re several people around us who are working non-stop to help others and by sacrificing their own comforts. Such people deserve our honour and appreciation,” he added.


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