Home Health Why is it difficult to diagnose mental health issues in the elderly?

Why is it difficult to diagnose mental health issues in the elderly?

Why is it difficult to diagnose mental health issues in the elderly?



It is very important to spot signs of mental health issues in old people to provide them with the required treatment

New Delhi: Mental health issues in the elderly are a pressing issue across the world.
According to the World Health Organisation, by 2050, the world population over the age of 60 years is expected to reach two billion. Statistics say that more than 20 per cent of people aged 55 or older may be suffering from some kind of mental health issue.

One of the possible negative consequences of the rapid ageing of the global population is the increase in the number of people with mental disorders, which will soon overwhelm the mental health systems in all countries.

Psychological experts believe that biological changes may interfere with the brain’s functioning, and social changes can lead to isolation or worthlessness.

However, the more pressing issue, according to some experts is that the elderly suffering from mental health issues in many Indian households is living in denial.

Many older men and women refuse to acknowledge it as a major ailment.

What are the consequences of mental health problems in the elderly?

Experts feel that mental health issues, which include high-intensity stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and even depression can have a tremendous impact on an older person’s ability to carry out daily activities, making them dependent and reducing their quality of life.

“The first step to reducing negative consequences is simply to make a diagnosis. Unfortunately, too often mental health problems are undiagnosed and untreated and many older people struggle on without proper help or any help at all,” Dr. Barbara Keyling, a psychologist said.

“Many elderly feel that mental health issues are a sign of weakness and thus do not admit experiencing problems,” she added.

Do mental health issues get worse with age?

Mental illness has nothing to do with ageing. According to the National Insitute of Mental Health, disorders affect younger adults more often than the elderly, but seniors are less likely to seek help.

Dr. Keyling said too many people consider the symptoms of dementia and depression as a normal part of ageing. About 5 million adults age 65 and older have Alzheimer’s, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Anxiety issues also often go along with depression. They include a range of issues, from hoarding syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder to phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Symptoms of mental health issues in the elderly

It is very important to spot signs of mental health issues in old people to provide them with the required treatment. Occasional forgetfulness is normal, but persistent cognitive or memory loss can be extremely serious.

Here are a few symptoms and signs of mental health issues in older people:

  • Changes in appearance
  • Confusion, disorientation, or concentration issues
  • Decrease or increase in appetite
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Memory loss
  • Aches and chronic pains
  • Social withdrawal

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