Home Latest Why Oklahoma Information and Technology School is the School for Your Students

Why Oklahoma Information and Technology School is the School for Your Students

Why Oklahoma Information and Technology School is the School for Your Students


For the past 43 years, technology and computers have changed the way we do business and communicate with the world around us. According to a 2018 study conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, technology jobs are projected to grow 12 percent in 10 years while looking to add about 557,100 new jobs, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. When you combine that projection with how long your children have been using technology, it equates to choosing an education where students have the ability to study these two booming subjects that will lead them to many of those technology job opportunities in the future.

That future starts with Oklahoma Information and Technology School, where they give their students the option of studying computer, science, information and technology mixed with a well-balanced education that other public charter schools only dream about offering. Before OITS, many families were not able to afford virtual charter schools if the option became available. Even then, virtual schools have not existed until OITS came onto the scene. Set your kids on a career path in computer technology from a free institution that will impact them in their careers as adults, but also instill positive, life lessons they can extend to their community or wherever their journey may take them.

About OITS


Oklahoma Information and Technology School is a brand new, free, public charter, virtual-learning school, currently offering education to students in grades 6 and 7. In five years, they look to reach full capacity by adding a grade each year going up to 12th grade. It is powered by Dove Schools, which has provided high quality STEM education for 20 years, earning numerous awards including the National Blue Ribbon, and National recognition in Math, Science, and Character Education.

OITS’ mission is to create a safe, healthy, caring, and student-centered educational community that cultivates the knowledge, character, and technology skills necessary for academic excellence, 21st century careers, and lifelong opportunity for service to others. Their main focus and drive is to bring their knowledge of computers, science, information and technology to students who long to learn more about these subjects, but don’t have the means with their current education system. OITS wants to meet students at their current levels with personalized academic and enrichment plans to ensure every student receives a rigorous, yet achievable pathway to a college or university of their choice in a career path that they can really thrive in and make a difference to their community. Kelley Fleming, assistant principal to OITS, believes in this statement and it is the philosophy her school stands on.

About Kelley Fleming, Assistant Principal


A native to Tulsa, Oklahoma, Kelley Fleming started teaching at the school that brought her much success amongst hardship in her youth. Struggling with chronic illness, issues at home, and subpar experiences at her neighborhood elementary schools, Kelley, at a young age, needed a different option. Even though she loved learning, Kelley dreaded the thought of going to school as it wasn’t meeting her full-potential as a student.


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