Home Latest WIAA opens door to playing fall sports in the spring

WIAA opens door to playing fall sports in the spring

WIAA opens door to playing fall sports in the spring


MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) – The WIAA has signed off on another way for high schools and their conferences to cancel their fall seasons, yet still give student-athletes a chance to play later in the year.

On Friday, board members unanimously approved the so-called “alternate fall option.” The plan would let schools that nix fall sports now play early next year instead.

After the Big Ten and Pac-12 called off their fall sports, that had many wondering if high school level activities were going to be scrubbed in the coming months as well.

Dr. Tim McGuine, who has been studying the impact of school closures and sport cancellations at UW-Madison, argued that, while there is some risk, prep athletes are less likely to be exposed to COVID-19 than their collegiate counterparts.

“I think it’s very important to look at the differences, if we look at college athletes they are older and have higher BMI all our data says they are more at risk for COVID- 19 than the young people we are dealing with,” he explained.

McGuine also noted that the communal living structure is different for college students, who, he adds, are also more likely to attend large social gatherings.

The WIAA had already mandated schools that plan to play this fall push back their schedules and practices. The earliest practice date for the sports deemed “high-contact,” including football, boys soccer, and boys and girls volleyball, is September 7.

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