Home Latest Will Oli survive? Party meets today on his fate | India News – Times of India

Will Oli survive? Party meets today on his fate | India News – Times of India

Will Oli survive? Party meets today on his fate | India News – Times of India


NEW DELHI: Whether Nepal Prime Minister K P Oli yet again proves a survivor or succumbs to an inner party rebellion may be decided on Monday when the powerful standing committee of the ruling Nepal Communist Party meets to discuss the political situation.
Oli and his rival and party co-chair P K Dahal Prachanda met on Sunday in an apparent attempt to preserve party unity and avert the crisis which has, according to reports from Nepal, seen 30 out of the 45 members of the committee seeking the PM’s resignation. Oli’s detractors have been pressuring him to step down in the wake of his reported statements that a plot was being cooked against him in New Delhi.
The Oli-Prachanda meeting was said to have ended without any breakthrough. They will, however, meet again on Monday before the standing committee meeting starts and though it may not necessarily be decisive, its proceedings will indicate the balance of opinion within the communist party.
Apart from Prachanda, other senior members have demanded that Oli step down both as party chair and PM. Oli’s decision to get President Bidhya Devi Bhandari to prorogue the ongoing session of Parliament and his remark accusing India of plotting his downfall seem to have further intensified the infighting in the party.
Oli further riled the rival faction by claiming again on Sunday that efforts were on to not just remove him but also impeach Bhandari. Oli was also said to have asked leaders and ministers loyal to him to remain prepared for any action within a day or two as “anything could happen”. He is said to have told his ministers that he will not be forced to accept the party’s st


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