Mountaineer Woodview Thursday
Morning 18-Hole League
Mountaineer Woodview Thursday Morning 18-Hole League has announced the following results from recent outings.
Sept. 3: This year the league is only paying out proximity prizes and low putts. Winners were Mishal Hawthorne, closest to the pin on hole No. 6; Elaine Minda, closest to the pin in two on hole No. 17; and low putts, Mary Ann Bainbridge.
Aug. 27: Mishal Hawthorne, closest to the pin on hole No. 6; Elaine Minda, closest in two on hole No. 14; Mary Ann Bainbridge, closest to the pin in two on hole No. 17; and Debbie Provenzano, low putts.
Aug. 20: Ginger Green, closest to the pin on hole No. 6; Mishal Hawthorne, closest to the pin on hole No. 14 and closest in two on hole No. 17; and Dottie Virtue, low putts.
June 18: Debbie Provenzano, closest to the pin, hole No. 6; Elaine Minda, closest to the pin hole No. 8; Barb Lovaglio, closest to the pin on hole No. 17; and low putts, tie, Mary Ann Bainbridge and Elaine Minda.
June 11: Elaine Minda, closest to the pin on hole Nos. 6 and 8; Erin Ankrum, closest to the pin hole No. 14; Debbie Provenzano, closest to the pin in two on hole No. 17; and low putts, Mary Ann Bainbridge.
June 4: Elaine Minda, closest to the pin on hole No. 6; Cathy Ralston, closest to the pin on hole No. 8; Dotty Virtue, closest to the pin hole No. 14; Mishal Hawthorne, closet to the pin in two on hole No. 17; and low putts, tie, Dotty Virtue and Debbie Provenzano.
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