Home Latest World Health Organization possible contender for Nobel Peace Prize

World Health Organization possible contender for Nobel Peace Prize

World Health Organization possible contender for Nobel Peace Prize


The World Health Organization (WHO) is a possible contender for the upcoming Nobel Peace Prize award.

The WHO is an agency of the United Nations set up in 1948 to improve health globally. It has more than 7,000 people working in 150 country offices, six regional offices and its Geneva headquarters.

The organization’s director-general, currently the Ethiopian Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is elected for a five-year term. Tedros’ five-year term began on July 1, 2017.

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WHO has been accused of botching its response to the pandemic that emerged in China and being too close to Beijing.

The United States formally started its withdrawal from the WHO in July, making good on Trump’s threats to deprive the organisation of its top donor.

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Against the backdrop of Trump’s criticisms, WHO member states in May agreed a resolution calling for an “impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation… to review experience gained and lessons learned from the WHO-coordinated international health response” to the pandemic.

The WHO’s stated aim is “to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable”.

It has no power to impose health policies on national governments, but acts as an adviser and offers guidance on best practice in disease prevention and health improvement.

The WHO has 194 member states: every country except Liechtenstein which is a member of the United Nations but not of its global health agency. They appoint representatives to The World Health Assembly, which convenes annually and sets WHO policies. These policies are implemented by the WHO’s Executive Board, composed of members technically qualified in health.

The winner of the $1 million prize, arguably the world’s top accolade, will be announced in Oslo on October 9.

The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony will take place in Oslo on December 10.


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