Home Latest World News 03.09

World News 03.09

World News 03.09


Thousands of mourners lined up Saturday to pay tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev – the last soviet leader and an architect of the USSR’s collapse. Meanwhile, the Russian gas giant Gazprom delayed its reopening due to an unresolved maintenance issue and gave no timeframe for fixing the problem.

Ukraine – update

And traditionally we begin with the latest update from Ukraine, where the counteroffensive has begun. According to latest reports Russia is trying to enlist homeless people as military due to huge losses in troops.


Thousands of mourners lined up Saturday to pay tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev – the last soviet leader and an architect of the USSR’s collapse. Vladimir Putin did not attend the funeral, allegedly due to a full schedule.

Russia delays Nord Stream reopening

Gas flows via Nord Stream will not resume. The Russian gas giant Gazprom delayed its reopening due to an unresolved maintenance issue and gave no timeframe for fixing the problem. This is causing much concern in Europe as the heating season is approaching.

Liquid money in Gibraltar

A cargo ship collided with a natural gas tanker earlier this week off the coast of Gibraltar. Spanish authorities are doing their best to manage the resulting oil spill, while environmentalists sum up the cost of this catastrophic incident.

Iraqis protest new coalition

Inhabitants of Baghdad took to the streets of the city to oppose the forming of a new government in Iraq, that would include Iran-aligned politicians. The crisis in the country led to deadly clashes earlier this week.

Prodigal son returns

Sri Lanka’s former president, who fled abroad after mass protests in the country, has returned. Thousands of people stormed his residence in July, as a result of a deepening economic crisis.

Space race 2.0

Some scholars compare the recent events in Europe to those from the Cold War era. It seems one thing indeed is similar – the Space Race. This time, however, between China’s People’s Republic and the United States.

Serena William’s last match

In most likely the final game of her sporting career Serena Williams lost to her Australian opponent. Still she remains one of the greatest tennis players of all time. As the match ended, “Simply the Best” by Tina Turner started playing at the stadium.

’The Voice of Poland’ is back

‘The Voice of Poland’ is back! The next edition of the programme, which aims to select the most talented singer in the country, will now be available for viewing also in Lithuania.

Polish war losses report

Countless buildings, homes, and infrastructure were destroyed in Poland during WWII. Parliamentary commission presented a report on war reparations, listing widespread losses caused by the German occupation.



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