Home Latest World News 03.10

World News 03.10

World News 03.10


Learn more about the current situation in Ukraine, Ukraine’s NATO accession process, new sanctions to be imposed on Russia and many more in TVP World’s flagship news programme.

Breakthrough in Ukraine

Since launching their counteroffensive last month, Ukrainian forces have recaptured at least 3,000 square kilometres of formerly occupied territories east of Kharkiv.

New sanctions on Russia coming

European states are preparing a new batch of sanctions against Russia, working toward a price cap on Russian oil. Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces have achieved significant gains near Kherson, where the front has been static for weeks.

Support for Ukraine joining NATO

Lithuania and eight other CEE NATO countries have voiced their support for Ukraine’s membership in the alliance. Last Friday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed for fast-track NATO membership for Ukraine.

Polish FM signs an official note on WWII reparations

On Monday, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau signed a diplomatic note to be handed over to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The note outlines a claim for reparations from Berlin that Poland believes it is owed for the destruction it suffered during World War II.

Elections in Bulgaria

Early parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria to elect members of the National Assembly. It was the country’s 4th vote in just 18 months.

Political changes in the Balkans

Several Balkan states are currently in the middle of various political changes, with elections taking place in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosnia’s autonomous Republika Srpska. Early results, however, show that the political turmoil in the Balkans is far from over.

Truss backtrack on tax cut

The UK government is making a U-turn in its fiscal policy. In light of mounting public opposition, the government has backed down from its decision to slash the top rate of income tax for high earners.

Tehran University clashes

The Iranian police ejected protesters from the grounds of the country’s top university. The protests in the country have been turning violent, with the authorities accusing the US of providing demonstrators with material and operational aid.

Elections in Brazil

Presidential elections in Brazil are heading for a runoff after opposition candidate Lula almost clinched the victory in the first round. Incumbent president Bolsonaro is throwing accusations of electoral fraud, while his rival promises “certain success” in the runoff.

Nobel Prize season begins

October means Nobel Prize season. Six days, six prizes and new faces from around the world that can add the coveted ‘Nobel Prize winner’ to their resume. Also, the question is will Poland be recognised for its continuing help delivered to Ukraine – as a frontline partner, humanitarian supplier, and logistical hub.

Kitesurfing championship

The weather forecast for day one of the 2022 Lepanto Formula Kite European Championships in Nafpaktos in western Greece was so apocalyptic that the government forbade any on-water activity, including for the kiteboarders. This, however, did not halt the competition.


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