Home Latest World News in Brief: Haiti youngster displacement, Hong Kong torture claims, assist Sudan refugees

World News in Brief: Haiti youngster displacement, Hong Kong torture claims, assist Sudan refugees

World News in Brief: Haiti youngster displacement, Hong Kong torture claims, assist Sudan refugees


Escalating armed violence in Haiti has triggered a profound humanitarian disaster, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, warned on Wednesday.

At least 170,000 youngsters at the moment are displaced – double the quantity from final yr – amid a surge in gang-led killings and kidnappings, sexual violence and a extreme meals disaster.

“In Haiti, children and families are enduring relentless waves of brutal violence, with each day bringing new horrors, the loss of loved ones, homes being destroyed by fire, and an ever-present shadow of fear,” said Bruno Maes, UNICEF Representative within the nation, who visited three displacement websites within the capital Port-au-Prince.

Clashes within the capital 

Latest UNICEF knowledge revealed that just about 314,000 folks, roughly half of them youngsters, have been uprooted throughout Haiti, primarily within the capital and the Artibonite division. 

In lower than two weeks, practically 2,500 folks, most of them ladies and youngsters, have been newly displaced following clashes within the Solino and Gabelliste areas within the capital. 

UNICEF estimates that three million youngsters throughout Haiti would require humanitarian assist this yr. The company is looking for $221.7 million to reply to wants. 

Torture used to acquire proof in Hong Kong trial: UN knowledgeable  

A UN-appointed unbiased human rights knowledgeable has known as for China to handle torture claims in reference to the trial of Hong Kong pro-democracy media mogul Jimmy Lai.

Special Rapporteur Alice Edwards warned on Wednesday that proof obtained via torture should not be admissible, urging authorities to analyze allegations that proof from a key prosecution witness had been obtained via torture. 

“The absolute prohibition of reliance on evidence obtained as a result of torture or other ill-treatment in any proceedings is a fundamental protection,” she said.

Mr. Lai was arrested in August 2020 and charged with sedition and overseas collusion beneath a brand new safety legislation following tweets, interviews and articles printed in his newspaper, the Apple Daily.

He was convicted of unauthorized meeting in 2021 for his participation in earlier protests and sentenced to 17 months in jail. He was sentenced to an extra 5 years and 9 months for fraud in October 2022.  

In a statement final week calling for his fast launch, Ms. Edwards and different rights specialists expressed alarm on the “multiple and serious violations” of Mr. Lai’s proper to freedom of meeting and a good trial. 

They additionally highlighted with concern “the denial of access to a lawyer” of Mr. Lai’s selecting “and the handpicking of judges by the authorities”.

The rights specialists additionally reiterated issues that the nationwide safety legislation used to convict Mr. Lai and 47 different pro-democracy activists final yr will not be consistent with worldwide authorized obligations and must be repealed.

Special Rapporteurs and unbiased specialists are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva to watch and report on particular nation conditions or thematic points. They should not UN employees and should not paid for his or her work.

Sudanese refugee Triza, 32, sits in her shelter at the Kurmuk transit centre in the Benishangul-Gumuz region of northwestern Ethiopia.

Sudanese refugee Triza, 32, sits in her shelter on the Kurmuk transit centre within the Benishangul-Gumuz area of northwestern Ethiopia.

Support tens of millions fleeing war-torn Sudan: UN refugee chief 

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has concluded a three-day go to to Ethiopia, the place he known as for extra assist for the practically eight million folks fleeing the warfare in Sudan.

More than 100,000 alone have crossed into Ethiopia since battle erupted final April between the Sudanese military and a strong rival army pressure, the RSF, in response to the UN refugee company, UNHCR

This consists of near 47,000 people who find themselves already refugees and asylum-seekers, along with the 50,000 Sudanese refugees already within the nation.

‘Heartbreaking stories’ 

Mr. Grandi travelled to the city of Assosa, the place he met a number of the over 20,000 refugees and asylum-seekers from Sudan at the moment hosted on the Kurmuk transit centre. 

“I heard stories of heartbreaking loss of family, friends, homes and livelihoods, yet in the midst of this despair, I also saw refugees’ determination to move forward, if given the support and opportunity,” he said.

He counseled the Government and native communities for allocating land and welcoming the arrivals regardless of their very own challenges, together with internet hosting a big refugee inhabitants.

Ethiopia is one in every of six international locations neighbouring Sudan that proceed to obtain hundreds of individuals escaping the battle.

It additionally hosts one of many largest refugee and internally displaced populations globally and is the third largest refugee-hosting nation in Africa. 

 Nearly a million refugees – primarily from South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, and Sudan – have discovered shelter in Ethiopia, whereas an estimated 3.5 million Ethiopians are internally displaced. 

UNHCR’s programmes in Ethiopia had been lower than half-funded final yr, receiving solely 36 per cent of the $431 million requested. The company is looking for $426 million to assist operations this yr.   

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