Home Latest XTEN-AV’s Vibhav Singh, Sahil Dhingra Join Forbes Technology Council

XTEN-AV’s Vibhav Singh, Sahil Dhingra Join Forbes Technology Council

XTEN-AV’s Vibhav Singh, Sahil Dhingra Join Forbes Technology Council


Vibhav Singh and Sahil Dhingra, co-founders of XTEN-AV, lately acquired acceptance into the Forbes Technology Council. Per an announcement, the Council is an invitation-only neighborhood for world-class CIOs, CTOs and expertise executives.

Sahil Dhingra, co-founder of XTEN-AV

Photo courtesy: XTEN-AV.

A evaluation committee chosen Singh and Dhingra based mostly on the depth and variety of their expertise. According to XTEN-AV, the standards for acceptance embrace a monitor document of efficiently impacting enterprise development metrics. Moreover, the committee considers private {and professional} achievements and honors.

As members of the Council, Singh and Dhingra have entry to a wide range of unique alternatives designed to assist attain peak skilled affect. They will thus join and collaborate with different revered leaders in a non-public discussion board.

XTEN-AV Executives’ Insights Benefit Forbes

Additionally, Singh and Dhingra could have the chance to share knowledgeable insights in unique articles and contribute to printed Expert Panels alongside different specialists on Forbes.com.

Vibhav Singh headshot.

Photo courtesy: XTEN-AV.

Finally, in line with XTEN-AV, the brand new members will profit from unique entry to membership-branded advertising collateral, high-touch help from the Forbes Council’s member concierge staff and complimentary membership in EXEC, the luxurious resort, journey, way of life and enterprise advantages program.

“To be a member of this esteemed platform excites me much. I think this is a fantastic chance for me to develop, get in touch with influential people in the technology sector, and even impart my knowledge to aspiring business owners, assisting them in better designing their own SaaS platforms. My goal with XTEN-AV is to improve the world for AV professionals. As someone working in the field, I have seen firsthand the dearth of reliable tools that may ease their workloads. Therefore, I would be thrilled to seize this chance to work in fields that I haven’t yet ventured into and provide a platform that is more optimized,” says Singh.

Dhingra expresses his pleasure to start out his journey with the Forbes Technology Council. Indeed, he explains, “Having access to this community allows me to engage with some brilliant leaders, fostering valuable networking connections and facilitating innovative ideas to enhance accessibility within the audiovisual sector.” According to Dhingra, XTEN-AV will attain new heights by taking full benefit of this thrilling alternative.

For extra details about XTEN-AV and the Forbes Technology Council, test our web site for updates.

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