Home Entertainment You are nobody until you own something in the entertainment industry — VJ Adams

You are nobody until you own something in the entertainment industry — VJ Adams

You are nobody until you own something in the entertainment industry — VJ Adams


VJ Adams, real names Adams Adebola Ibrahim, is a multi-talented entertainer; a video jockey, on-air personality, celebrity disc jockey, event host, among other things. He told ROTIMI IGE about his latest projects, among other topics. Excerpts

Congratulations on your new show, ‘Know Your Music’. Tell us a little more about it.

I created ‘Know Your Music’ in 2011 and recorded a radio pilot in 2013. I got the copyright in 2017 and recorded another radio pilot in 2018 and it’s been a long journey before finally going on air this year on Beat FM in Lagos Ibadan and Abuja. My dreams are valid.

With over 13 years wealth of experience, what would you say has been your greatest lesson working in the media/ entertainment?

Equity and ownership, you are never free until you own… hence the constant moves I make to own my fashion, music, and this new show ‘Know Your Music’. That is where the real power and influence is, ownership.

Where does your passion for video games come from?

I used to run a game centre back at my parents’ house in 2003. I stopped when I started to pursue on screen entertainment in 2008 and I regret that decision because there is nothing like having daily income. However, the knowledge from running a game centre definitely comes in handy when you are putting together the biggest video gaming event in the country with a footfall of over four thousand people in the last edition. I can’t wait to produce the next edition post-COVID-19.

Doing so much within the entertainment space will mean some areas might suffer. What is your honest take on that?

For so long, I have tried to strike a balance. It is not easy but I have honestly tried. Doing TV, radio, making music, DJ, creating fashion, and organising the gaming event, all in one calendar year could be overwhelming.

COVID-19 helped me in a way to slow down and reflect, hence the pursuit to get ‘Know Your Music’ up and running but music had to pause for that to happen as I am my own executive producer. I’m sure you know what that means?

Evolving while maintaining relevance might be the secret to your staying power and influence. How deliberate are you about that?

Steve Harvey is in his mid 60s with at least three big shows; I want that in my 30s now and that means I have another 30 something years of maintaining excellence. I have done so much but I have barely started. I am quite deliberate in the career decisions, I make a few mistakes but I take responsibility and not blame anyone.

As you would imagine people are curious as to what your thoughts are about marriage.

Everything will happen in due time. There are so much divorce stories but also many love stories, so I choose the path of love. But, I am currently going through a transitional period in my career and so  I am quite busy. I am hoping for the best soon.

Name one show you would love to host?

I would have said ‘Big Brother Naija’ but I think I am a little more excited about building/creating a show that will have that type of following and equity; however I love talent hunt shows. Being a part of someone’s success story is humbling.

How are you holding up after losing Sound Sultan we know you were quite close?

It is hard, I cry occasionally as I still cannot believe he is gone, losing Sultan changed my life. I value every second I spend with loved ones more now because you just never know… he was my brother and referring to him as ‘was’ even breaks me up. I had to honor an existing contract he had for a show called ‘My Voice, My Identity’ which will start via IG live. I pray for him every day that goes by.

When you get back to the studio to make music, what kind of sounds should we expect and how soon will that happen?

I actually miss writing songs/ rap verses. I am hoping I can get back into the studio by December. My music will reflect my state of mind at the time of it being recorded; one thing for sure is that my music is genuine. I am on my lane and in no competition with anyone, so I am able to make music that is true.


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