India leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal responded brutally to an Instagram user who tried to make a derogatory remark on the bowler’s picture shared by the Indian cricket team’s official Instagram handle. In the photo shared by the Indian cricket team’s official handle, Yuzvendra Chahal’s tattooed arm can be seen with a caption that says, “Guess who? Answers on our Insta story later”. To this, a fan replied and said,”kis garib ka heath hei ye”. Chahal responded to the fan’s comment by saying, “Uss garib ka joh ground pe apne desh ke liye jaan bhi deh sakta hai”.
Yuzvendra Chahal is quite active on social media platforms and keeps sharing fun stuff to keep his fans entertained. Recently, Yuzvendra Chahal completed four years in international cricket and took to social media to share the occasion. Many fans, as well as cricketers, had congratulated Yuzvendra Chahal on his post. The 29-year-old leg-spinner from Haryana made his debut for India back in 2016 against Zimbabwe in a One Day International.
Yuzvendra Chahal is one of the finest leg-spinners in world cricket at the moment. The leg-spinner is at the thirteenth spot in ICC’s ODI Rankings for bowlers with 622 points. He has played 52 ODIs for the country so far and has picked up 91 wickets with an economy rate of 5.07.
In T20Is, Yuzvendra Chahal has played 42 matches for India and has 55 wickets in the shortest format of the game with an economy rate of 8.18. In the Indian Premier League (IPL), Chahal has 100 wickets from 84 matches.