Home Entertainment 20-year-plan for Rockford’s Downtown Entertainment District – WREX

20-year-plan for Rockford’s Downtown Entertainment District – WREX

20-year-plan for Rockford’s Downtown Entertainment District – WREX


ROCKFORD (WREX) — Like anything in life, there are always a few touch ups and repairs that need to be made.

“The concrete and mason work are the most pressing issues,” said Carrie Hagerty.

However, for the Coronado Performing Arts Center and BMO Harris Bank Center, it’s more than just a few touch ups.

“We have some immediate needs for concrete repairs around BMO and immediate mason work around the Coronado,” said Hagerty.

“If you go around the building you will see concrete deteriorating on the perimeter,” said Gretchen Gilmore.

That’s why the group ASM Global, an event management company in charge of the BMO and the Coronado, is proposing this 20-year-plan that will fix any problems in the buildings, and keep them in good shape.

“Those two entertainment areas are anchors for our downtown,” said Hagerty.

The plan calls for more than 17 million dollars total for both facilities. The only way to make the project possible? Funding, grants, and local tax revenue.

“We bring many people downtown which helps prosper downtown. The city has been a big partner in making sure downtown is thriving,” said Gilmore.

The first five years of the plan will include outside reinvestment. Moving into year ten, cosmetic changes are planned. This will include a reinvestment in score boards, locker rooms, and seating.

“While there will not be anything new and flashy right away, we are investing in the bones of these facilities to make sure they can continue to be a part of the community,” said Hagerty.

The multi-million dollar plan heads to city council on Monday. If aldermen approve it, construction would start by the end of the year.


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