Home Entertainment 2020 Fort Massac Encampment canceled due to pandemic

2020 Fort Massac Encampment canceled due to pandemic

2020 Fort Massac Encampment canceled due to pandemic


The annual Fort Massac Encampment, which was scheduled for Oct. 17 and 18 at Fort Massac State Park in Metropolis, is canceled due to the pandemic.

According to a Monday statement from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, thousands of people from the region were expected to attend the popular fall festival.

“Given the possibility the event will draw large crowds, (IDNR), in consultation with the Illinois Department of Public Health and the governor’s office, elected to cancel this year’s event,” IDNR Director Colleen Callahan said in the statement.

“While we understand the importance of the Fort Massac Encampment, we must keep public health and safety top of mind. We’re looking forward to next year’s event and hope to make it better than ever,” Callahan said.

Fort Massac was a military outpost for France, Britain and the United States from 1757 to 1814. The annual encampment features mock military battles, historical re-enactments, craft and food vendors, and more.


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