Home Latest 5-day fest at Siliguri Institute of Technology from May 15

5-day fest at Siliguri Institute of Technology from May 15

5-day fest at Siliguri Institute of Technology from May 15


Kolkata: The Siliguri Institute of Technology goes to carry a five-day-long fest from May 15 to May 19, underneath the SITEX 2023 banner.

The fest will present college students with the chance to “participate, organise, lead and grow.” On May 16 and 17, they are going to be holding a tech fest, “Technovision2K23,” which can comprise challenge competitions on robotics, civil building, startup problem, gaming competitors and drone exhibition in addition to faculty challenge competitors. The fest, on May 18, will take a cultural tone with numerous inter-college occasions on music, dance and different artwork varieties. In their concluding occasion, there shall be a dwell efficiency by the Under Ground Authority with EPR Iyer and Proshia Sen. 

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