Home Health 5 Easy Ways To Preserve Tomatoes And Extend Their Shelf Life

5 Easy Ways To Preserve Tomatoes And Extend Their Shelf Life

5 Easy Ways To Preserve Tomatoes And Extend Their Shelf Life


We understand how a lot you like tomatoes in your salads, sandwiches, and cooking, however let’s be actual, generally it isn’t potential to complete all of them earlier than they flip right into a squishy mess. This feeling of frustration when our tomatoes begin to go dangerous earlier than we eat them doesn’t do any good. But fret not. We’ve rounded up some foolproof methods to maintain our humble tomatoes recent for longer. Say goodbye to the guilt of tossing out spoiled tomatoes and hiya to a complete new world of flavourful prospects! These fast and simple methods to retailer tomatoes can have your style buds thanking you for days. Let’s dive in!

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Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Preserve Tomatoes And Extend Their Shelf Life:

1. Frozen Tomatoes

Freezing tomatoes is a straightforward and handy strategy to protect them for later use. Start by half-slitting the tomatoes from the again and eradicating the highest. Boil them in water for ten minutes to loosen the pores and skin, then peel the pores and skin off and allow them to cool. You can chop them or make a puree, then retailer them in an hermetic container within the freezer. Frozen tomatoes can final for weeks and are excellent to be used in soups, stews, sauces, and extra.

2. Sieved Tomatoes

Sieved tomatoes, or passata, are clean tomato puree with out seeds and pores and skin. They add sweetness and tanginess to soups and gravies and are straightforward to make at dwelling. Follow the identical course of as for frozen tomatoes, then chop and prepare dinner the tomatoes till delicate and mushy. Sieve the puree to take away the seeds and protect the juice and pulp in an hermetic container within the fridge.


Use tomato puree in any dish and improve the flavours. Photo Credit: istock

3. Sundried Tomatoes

Sundried tomatoes are a pure strategy to dehydrate and dry tomatoes to extend their shelf life. They are excellent to be used in salads, pasta and pizzas, or infused in oil to boost flavours. Start by washing, cleansing, and slicing the tomatoes thinly. Sprinkle sea salt on prime and place them within the scorching solar to dry for 1-2 weeks, bringing them inside at night time to keep away from moisture and rain.

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4. Fermented Cherry Tomatoes

Fermented cherry tomatoes are filled with flavour and are straightforward to make at dwelling. Mix two cups of water and one tablespoon of salt collectively, then place two cups of cherry tomatoes in a jar and pour the salty water combine over them. You can add garlic cloves and basil leaves to counterpoint the flavour. Let the combination sit for a couple of days till you see the water flip a barely orange color.


Use a glass jar to retailer cheery tomatoes. Photo Credit: istock

5. Tomato Powder

Tomato powder is a flexible addition to any dish and is filled with flavour. Start by washing the tomatoes and eradicating the stem. Slice them as thinly as potential, then dry them by sun-drying or baking in an oven at a medium temperature till they’re crisp. Break the dry slices into small items and grind them into positive powder, which will be saved in a glass jar.

These 5 strategies are straightforward and handy methods to protect tomatoes at dwelling and lengthen their shelf life. Try them out and tell us within the remark part which methodology you discovered most useful!

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