Home Health 6 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

6 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

6 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)


Healthy, clear consuming has develop into a component and parcel of our food plan. We now not search for unique or costly substances as we’re rediscovering the treasures of locally-produced, seasonal meals. Farm-fresh fruits, home-grown herbs and natural spices are all making a comeback in our diets. Even the Indian gooseberry (or Amla) is one such meals that has lengthy been advisable by our grandmothers and forefathers and is now as soon as once more discovering its manner into the day by day food plan. But what’s it about Amla that makes it a superfood in its personal proper? Is it actually useful for us and the way can we devour it? Here’s all you might want to know.

Health Benefits Of Amla – Why Is Amla Healthy For Us?

A tiny inexperienced fruit bursting with flavours, Amla is full of vitamins. It has been a part of the traditional medicinal follow and can be used to make pickles, candies and amla powder, generally known as Amalaki. But what are the methods by which Amla can profit our well being?

Here Are 6 Health Benefits Of Amla:

1. Boosts Immunity

Amla is a wealthy supply of Vitamin C that may present a lift to immune well being. A single serving of Amla could make for as much as 46% of the day by day requirement of Vitamin C. “Amla is a special fruit full of antioxidants that are effective in reducing cell damage which reduces the free radicals that can cause disease in the body”, says Dr Komal Bhadouria, Nutritionist, SCI International Hospital, New Delhi.

2. Good For Digestion

Not solely is Amla crammed with Vitamin C, however it additionally has loads of fibre in it. The soluble fibre in Amla dissolves shortly within the physique and helps present reduction from illnesses like constipation, acidity and abdomen ulcers. Dr Bhadouria means that it additionally helps cut back acid ranges within the abdomen and fights irritation as effectively.

Also Read: Amla For Immunity: Homemade Amla Candy Recipe And Health Benefits Of Amla


Amla powder may be added to greens or sprinkled on salads. Photo Credit: iStock

3. Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Amla powder, and even amla fruit generally, might help cut back the chance of coronary heart illness because it lowers the build-up of dangerous ldl cholesterol within the physique. Amla additionally removes undesirable toxins from the physique and makes blood vessels thicker and stronger. Amla powder, when consumed with honey, can act as a blood air purifier and improve haemoglobin naturally. So, devour amla for a wholesome, glad coronary heart!

4. Good For Diabetics

The causes to devour amla are manifold and one in all these is that it prevents blood spikes and has a optimistic impact on blood glucose ranges. The good amount of soluble fibre in amla signifies that meals is absorbed slowly by the physique, thus stopping any blood stage spikes.

5. Prevents Hair Loss

Amla oil has been a part of our hair care regime for ages, and there may be truly a scientific foundation to it. Amla helps stop dandruff and likewise prevents hair loss and regulates hairfall. It may be consumed instantly or utilized in topical purposes. According to Delhi-based weight administration knowledgeable, Gargi Sharma, “Amla can be used to prepare home remedies for curing various conditions such as cold and cough, mouth ulcers, dandruff and more.”

Also Read: Amla For Skin: How To Use The Ayurvedic Superfood For a Beautiful and Glowing Skin


Amla juice can show to be a wonderful treatment for hair and pores and skin. Photo: iStock

6. Improves Skin

Thanks to the abundance of Vitamin C in Amla, it is a wonderful ingredient so as to add to your skincare regime because it helps within the manufacturing of collagen. The Indian gooseberry slows down the ageing course of and likewise helps keep lovely, supple pores and skin. Consume it every single day and see the distinction!

Which Vitamin Is Present In Amla?

Vitamin C is essentially the most distinguished Vitamin in amla. A single 100-gram serving comprises as much as 300mg of Vitamin C. It additionally comprises Vitamin E, A, iron and calcium.

How To Include Amla In Your Diet

There are many alternative methods in which you’ll embrace amla in your food plan. Whether you chop it together with greens in your salad, add it to your dal tadka or squeeze it as a substitute of lemon juice, the choices are lots. You may also make a tangy and healthful amla juice and add honey to it and revel in. Amla can be used to arrange chutney which makes for a wonderful pairing along with your meals. For extra methods to incorporate amla in your food plan, click here.

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