Home Health 7 benefits of sattu sharbat that make this drink the humble hero of summer.

7 benefits of sattu sharbat that make this drink the humble hero of summer.

7 benefits of sattu sharbat that make this drink the humble hero of summer.

Whether it’s indigestion you’re worried about or the rising heat, a refreshing sattu drink is what you need for all your summer problems.

Sattu to the rescue. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

With the temperature in most parts of northern India touching 45 degree Celsius, dehydration is fast becoming a reality for many people. Though there is no substitute for water to keep yourself hydrated during this harsh weather, there are several beverages that have a cooling effect on the body. One of them is sattu, which is made by roasting Bengal gram.

Sattu is considered to be a powerhouse of energy. It is also often referred to as ‘poor man’s protein’ because it is an inexpensive source of nutrients that are beneficial for your health–especially protein.

How is sattu made?
Sattu is made by roasting the Bengal gram or chane ki dal in sand. With the help of a sieve, sand is strained and the roasted Bengal gram is pounded to a powder until it becomes a flour.

Sattu is rich in iron, sodium, fibre, protein, and magnesium. If you mix it in water, add a pinch of salt and squash a lemon and drink it empty stomach, all toxins from your body will be flushed out. It will also give you relief from stomach-related problems.

In fact, here are all the benefits of consuming sattu during the summer:

1. Improves bowel movement
Having sattu on an empty stomach in the morning is considered to do wonders for the body. It helps the digestive tract function properly. The salt, iron and fibre found in sattu reduces stomach-related issues and improves bowel movement.

According to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, dietary fibre intake can increase stool frequency in people with constipation and improve bowel movement.

2. It flushes out toxins from body
Sattu is a detoxifying agent that helps destroy toxic substances from your body and intestines. It also energises the body and protects it from several health disorders.

3. It keeps the body cool
Sattu has properties that help keep the body cool and hydrated throughout the day. A glass of sattu sharbat every day can keep your system cool and even prevent indigestion.

4. It is best for people with diabetes
Sattu is low in glycemic index which makes it one of the best foods for people with diabetes.

According to scientists, diets with a high glycemic index may predispose to higher blood glucose and insulin concentrations, glucose intolerance and risk of type 2 diabetes. However, low dietary GI and GL have protective effects on the body.
It also helps regulate blood pressure. Rich in fibre, sattu is great for people suffering from high cholesterol.

5. It aids weight loss
If you are looking to shed those extra kilos, you should start consuming sattu on an empty stomach. It helps reduce bloating and also enhances metabolism and burns calories effectively.

According to a study published in Journal Advances in Nutrition, legumes have beneficial effects on weight loss.

6. Improves appetite
According to experts, sattu contains potassium and magnesium that help in improving appetite.

7. It enhances energy
Having sattu stimulates red blood cells to grow faster in the body, thanks to its iron content. With more red blood cells, the body gets more oxygen which provides adequate energy to you throughout the day.


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