Home FEATURED NEWS Inflation in India well above benign level, but RBI is not uncomfortable yet: Manpreet Badal

Inflation in India well above benign level, but RBI is not uncomfortable yet: Manpreet Badal

Inflation in India well above benign level, but RBI is not uncomfortable yet: Manpreet Badal


Shaktikanta Das
A file photo of RBI governor Shaktikanta Das | Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg

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In its last meeting involving current members, the RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee seems to have relied more on hope and less on the record of its predecessors. It is well known that any inflation rate in excess of 4 per cent makes our central bank uncomfortable. So, the decision to leave the repo rate and reverse repo rate unchanged, despite inflation breaching the 6 per cent mark, is surprising.

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Policy call on wrong assumptions

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) seems to think that the high inflation is attributable to supply chain glitches that can be ironed out in times to come. There seems to be some confidence from a normal monsoon progression and a satisfactory Kharif growing season. Both these assumptions are too convenient. The supply chain, which was brought to a grinding halt in March, has pretty much recovered, evident from the rise in e-way bill receipts that had plunged by almost 85 per cent in April. As per data on GST network portal, July saw a mere 7 per cent decline in the e-way bill receipts.

The food inflation too shows no signs of abating. As regards monsoon, it still can go awry and there can be disruptions and crop losses. Maharashtra and Karnataka have already issued flood warnings to several of their arable districts.

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Stagflation staring

The high inflation rate is a pointer to an inconvenient truth that the Narendra Modi government has been trying to ignore for a long time now — India is headed towards a stagflation phase of a magnitude we haven’t witnessed in several decades. As the popular duck test of abductive reasoning goes: if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck. By the same token, an inflation rate in excess of 6 per cent, a GDP that is set to contract by a minimum 8 per cent in the current fiscal year (some credible estimates put it even higher) and a dearth of demand, convey that Indian economy has all the signs of slipping into stagnation plus inflation territory.

In Thursday’s briefing, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das admitted to a contraction in the economy, but was taciturn about the rate of decline. Silences apart, the apprehensions of stagnation are confirmed by other indicators as well. India’s June Manufacturing PMI stood at 47.2, an improvement when compared to May’s reading of 30.8.  But it appears to have been a false dawn because the PMI for July has gone down to 46, indicating a weak recovery. A PMI reading of below 50 is indicative of contraction. Such economic indicators suggest that India is far from achieving a V-shaped recovery, and will have to settle for a U-shaped economic graph, characterised by a prolonged recessionary phase.

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