Home Latest Virat Kohli and others sports fraternity condoles death of Kerala Air India Victims | InsideSport

Virat Kohli and others sports fraternity condoles death of Kerala Air India Victims | InsideSport

Virat Kohli and others sports fraternity condoles death of Kerala Air India Victims | InsideSport


Cricket Superstars Virat Kohli,Sachin Tendulkar and many other from the cricket fraternity condoles death of Kerala Air India Crash Victims.This tragic incident takes place ar Karipur Airport in Kozhikode,Kerala on Friday.

Virat Kohli took to twiiter and offer condolences to families of those who lost their lives in this tragic accident.

Sachin Tendulkar also offer condolences to the Kerala People Who lost their close one.

Praying for the passengers and the staff on the #AirIndia flight in Kozhikode. Shocking news,” tweeted Rohit Sharma

My heart goes out to the onboard passengers and crew members of the #AirIndia flight. Deepest condolences to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones and praying for the speedy recovery of those who are injured.Hima Das tweeted.


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