Home Latest A D.C. police lieutenant is accused of tipping off a frontrunner of the Proud Boys

A D.C. police lieutenant is accused of tipping off a frontrunner of the Proud Boys

A D.C. police lieutenant is accused of tipping off a frontrunner of the Proud Boys


Shane Lamond, a lieutenant for the Metropolitan Police Department’s intelligence department within the nation’s capital, was indicted Friday for one depend of obstruction of justice and three counts of creating false statements to police.

The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia alleges Lamond used his place to share confidential data with Enrique Tarrio, a former chief of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group.

Tarrio was recently found guilty of seditious conspiracy in reference to the Jan. 6 Capitol assault.

The Metropolitan Police Department did not instantly reply to a request for data on Lamond’s present employment standing with the division.

The federal indictment alleges Lamond was in common contact with Tarrio for nearly two years, starting in July 2019 and persevering with to not less than January 2021.

The two allegedly messaged one another not less than 500 instances, typically utilizing encrypted messaging apps like Telegram.

The indictment additionally alleges that Lamond and Tarrio would focus on deliberate Proud Boys actions within the D.C. space and Lamond would give Tarrio a heads-up about investigations into the group.

That included an investigation into the December 2020 burning of a Black Lives Matter flag in Washington, D.C., when the Proud Boys had been holding rallies and protests within the metropolis.

In early January 2021, Lamond advised Tarrio that there was a pending arrest warrant for him for that flag burning, the indictment alleges. Tarrio was later arrested and sentenced to greater than 5 months for the flag burning.

Lamond is ready to be organized later Friday. If convicted, he may face greater than 40 years in jail.

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