Home Latest Access | Transforming Visitor Attractions Through Technology | blooloop

Access | Transforming Visitor Attractions Through Technology | blooloop

Access | Transforming Visitor Attractions Through Technology | blooloop


Are you focused on delivering an outstanding visitor experience? Join the Access Group for a packed week of virtual sessions with everything from thought-provoking discussions to sector insights, delivered by industry and in-house experts.

You may already be an Access customer looking to make the best use of your software or are interested in learning more about how our Visitor Attraction Management technology could help your organisation. If you’d like to hear insights from experts on taking your organisation forward on its technology journey, Access All Areas is a must attend virtual event.

The week will include engaging discussions, industry leading guest speakers and product updates that give you the opportunity to learn how our suite of software can support your organisation.

Some key sessions include:

1) Guest panel: Creating the new visitor experience

Moderator: Rachel Kuhn, VE Forum


Rachel Mackay, Manager, Historic Royal Palaces at Kew & author of The Recovery Room Blog,

Mark Brassell, Director, The Alnwick Garden

Paul Griffiths, Director, Painshill Park Trust

Description: Leading voices in the Visitor Attraction sector explore how Covid-19 has given the opportunity to reinvent how your visitors interact with your attraction, examples of how attractions have adapted to the new way of operating, the impact of technology, and what the future looks like for the sector.

2) Innovation in the Visitor Attraction Sector


Simon Baines -Managing Director, Access Visitor Attraction Management Division

Beata Kovacs – Head Of Product, Access Visitor Attraction Management Division

Description: What is our vision for the future given the recent impact to the sector in the wake of Covid-19? Simon Baines shares what can be learned and the positive stories we’ve seen of innovation, story telling and digital progression in spite of the hardships and how this is driving our own strategy and mindset. Head of product Beata Kovacs will present our product roadmap for the Access Visitor Attraction Management Suite of solutions, updates on Access Workspace, and the benefits to our customers.

3) How Access can support your visitor attraction in a post Covid-19 world


Matthew Edwards – Sales Manager, Access Gamma

Session description: The world has changed and therefore how visitor attractions operate has changed too. Having a system in place that is flexible and allows you to easily manage the new requirements is essential. Matthew Edwards gives a run down of the essential functions your technology should have to help you operate safely and effectively, and how Access Gamma can support you with this transition.

Don’t miss out, explore our packed agenda and register now!


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