Home Latest ACYA to conduct Sports meet from October 21

ACYA to conduct Sports meet from October 21

ACYA to conduct Sports meet from October 21


Kohima, October 18 (MExN): The Angami Catholic Youth Association (ACYA) is all set to conduct its annual sports meet from October 21-24 at Loyala Higher Secondary School Jakhama.

Hundreds of delegates, including male and female participants from five regions–Northern ACYA, Southern ACYA, Western ACYA, Kohima Town ACYA, and Chakhroma ACYA, are expected to be part of the 3-day event, to be hosted by Jakhama Catholic Youth Association.

The meet will commence on October 21 evening and will be graced by the Chakhesang Catholic Youth Association as the inaugural guest.

Choirs with 30 participants each from the respective regions will compete on the day of the arrival.

On the second day after the unfurling of the flag by ACYA Advisor, Zeneikho Benedict, games including 7-a-side Futsal (men),  penalty shootout (women), volleyball (men & women), and mad olympics will take place.

Other highlights of the event include walkathon, treasure hunt, food stalls, carnival, karaoke, according to Medolenuo Ambrocia, Secretary, ACYA Sports Committee.

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