Home Health Adverse psychological well being signs with repeated short-term hormonal contraceptive withdrawal

Adverse psychological well being signs with repeated short-term hormonal contraceptive withdrawal

Adverse psychological well being signs with repeated short-term hormonal contraceptive withdrawal


December 22, 2023

2 min learn

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Key takeaways:

  • Oral contraceptive customers reported will increase in detrimental emotions, nervousness and psychological well being signs throughout tablet pause vs. lively part weeks.
  • Symptoms had been just like temper modifications throughout menses.

Repeated withdrawal from contraceptive steroids throughout month-to-month tablet pause was linked to adversarial psychological well being signs, in line with research findings revealed in JAMA Network Open.

“Interestingly, mental health problems associated with endogenous hormonal changes appear most commonly during phases of hormonal withdrawal, like the premenstrual or postpartum period or menopause. Also, withdrawal from hormone replacement therapy results in negative mood symptoms,” Isabel A. Noachtar, MSc, researcher PhD candidate within the division of psychology and the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience on the University of Salzburg, Austria, and colleagues wrote. “However, neither randomized clinical trials nor cohort studies have the necessary temporal resolution to identify whether mental health symptoms occur in response to combined oral contraceptive application or during combined oral contraceptive withdrawal.”

During pill pause phase of combined oral contraceptives, users experienced increases in://

Data derived from Noachtar IA, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.35957.

Noachtar and colleagues carried out a case-control research in Austria from April 2021 to June 2022 with 181 ladies aged 18 to 35 years (imply age, 22.7 years) who used solely mixed oral contraceptives for six months or longer. Researchers additionally evaluated a management group of 60 ladies with a imply pure cycle size of 28.7 days who didn’t take any combined oral contraceptives up to now 6 months.

The major consequence was detrimental emotions, nervousness and psychological well being issues assessed through the lively tablet part or luteal part and as soon as through the tablet pause or menses.

Overall, 61 ladies had androgenic mixed oral contraceptive use, 59 had antiandrogenic use and 60 had menses with out taking mixed oral contraceptives.

Combined oral contraceptive customers had a 12.67% enhance in detrimental emotions (P = .009), 7.42% enhance in nervousness (P = .003) and 23.61% enhance in psychological well being signs (P < .001) through the tablet pause in contrast with the lively tablet part. The impact dimension didn’t differ by progestin sort or ethinylestradiol dose. These adversarial psychological well being signs had been comparable with temper modifications noticed alongside the menstrual cycle within the management group.

In addition, researchers noticed extra pronounced temper worsening through the tablet pause amongst ladies with greater baseline melancholy scores. Recognition of feelings didn’t differ between the lively tablet part and the tablet pause.

“These results question the usefulness of pill pauses from a mental health perspective and it should be explored whether long-term combined oral contraceptive users benefit more from the mood-stabilizing effects of combined oral contraceptives in cases of continuous intake,” the researchers wrote.



Noachtar reviews no related monetary disclosures. Please see the research for all different authors’ related monetary disclosures.

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