Home Latest Air pollution: How asthma patients can take care of their lungs | The Times of India

Air pollution: How asthma patients can take care of their lungs | The Times of India

Air pollution: How asthma patients can take care of their lungs  | The Times of India


The air quality drops to a dangerous level in Delhi and neighbouring cities every year post-Diwali, and the same is being witnessed this year. A thick blanket of fog and smoke covered the national capital after the festival of light leaving people complaining of breathlessness, eye irritation and coughing. These are short-term issues that may go away after a week, but prolonged exposure to pollutants may damage the delicate lining of the lungs, increasing the risk of lung disorders. The tiny pollutant particles are even more harmful to those already suffering from respiratory problems like asthma.

Smog increases episodes of severe coughing and shortness of breath in asthma patients. For some people, it can also trigger asthma. That makes it vital for them to protect their lungs from dust particles. Here are some tips for asthma patients to take care of their lungs.


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