Home Health Amazing Health Benefits Of Water Chestnut

Amazing Health Benefits Of Water Chestnut

Amazing Health Benefits Of Water Chestnut


New Delhi: Water chestnut is a herb that grows in lakes and ponds primarily in winter. it’s well-known for its cooling and antioxidant properties. It additionally helps enhance fertility, lowers blood stress and gives aid from acidity. Let’s check out the advantages of this glorious water fruit.

Work Wonders For Weight Loss

Water Chestnut is low on energy and works wonders on a weight reduction journey. This fruit loaded with 74% water retains you full for longer hours. Eat it uncooked, boiled and even grilled to take pleasure in all its dietary advantages.

Slows tumour progress:

Water chestnuts comprise an antioxidant known as ferulic acid. There is a few proof that ferulic acid will help scale back or sluggish the expansion of most cancers cells.

It helps get rid of toxins

Water chestnuts will help you detox, eliminating toxins in your physique, which is why it is suggested for sufferers affected by jaundice.

Good to your hair


Water chestnuts comprise sure important vitamins comparable to potassium, zinc, B nutritional vitamins and vitamin E, and in addition take away toxins from the physique, which is necessary for wholesome hair.

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