Home Latest American Rivers Conference Postpones Four Fall Sports

American Rivers Conference Postpones Four Fall Sports

American Rivers Conference Postpones Four Fall Sports


The American Rivers Conference Presidents Council has postponed four fall sports, football, volleyball, men’s soccer, and women’s soccer to the spring semester.

The ARC’s council made the decision Monday evening, and the move follows the direction taken by the NCAA Board of Governors and dozens of NCAA member institutions and conferences who have cancelled or postponed intercollegiate competition this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The non-contact sports of men’s and women’s cross country, golf, and tennis will still take place this fall, and discussions of winter sports will begin to take place shortly.

Central College President Mark Putnam:

“I am confident that our teams will respond as Dutch teams have always responded to challenges in the past, with a positive spirit and a determination to overcome any and all obstacles on the road to success. I’m as excited as ever about our teams’ potential for the year ahead.”

Putnam also stressed that Central remains committed to in-person learning this fall.

Simpson College President Marsha Kelliher:

“While we are disappointed with this outcome, we are committed to providing opportunities for maximum safe student engagement for all of our athletes and looking forward to cheering the teams affected by this decision in the Spring. At this time, the conference is endeavoring to move forward with golf, tennis and cross-country as planned.”



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