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Analyzing popular media and trending movies with Filmosophy

Analyzing popular media and trending movies with Filmosophy


Filmosophy is an ongoing series put on by the Gonzaga University philosophy department. At each event, the organizers screen a popular movie and then facilitate a discussion. Typically, philosophy professors lead the discussions, but graduate students have also taken this role a couple of times in the past.

Events are free to attend and open to all students currently taking PHIL 101, 201, 301 and 400 level classes.

This semester marks Filmosophy’s return to campus since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Danielle Layne, associate professor of philosophy, director of the philosophy graduate program and founder of Filmosophy at GU, said she didn’t want to continue Filmosophy via Zoom.

“One of the great things about going to a public screening of a movie is that in this event you have an opportunity to talk about what just happened and just to have that face-to-face interaction that I think is just really important for recognizing your own insight,” Layne said.

Screenings in past years included modern-day box-office hits such as “Moana” and “Joker,” as well as classics such as “Wings of Desire.” Layne said all of the past films addressed a range of philosophical themes.  

Typically, each screening has a brochure with ideas that the professor facilitating the discussion wishes to highlight. The discussion portion engages with the issues mentioned in the brochure, but is also held in an open format that allows students to point out other themes they saw. 

Layne said that binge-watching culture leads people to watch films in a passive way, which causes them to miss important ideas. Filmosophy tries to combat this by using philosophical tools to understand the more implicit messaging in film.

“The film is actually doing a lot to us,” Layne said. “It’s shaping what we think of the world.”

Tof Chapin, a member of the class of 2018 and current philosophy graduate student, said the “Moana” screening was the most impactful Filmosophy event he attended. This screening viewed “Moana” through an intersectional feminist lens and addressed issues of sexual assault and colonization in the film. He said the controversial interpretation showed him that even in kids’ movies there are tucked away messages that are necessary to explore. 

“It shows even in our Disney movies, specifically, that there are these kinds of meanings permeating there at some level and they’re not just mere entertainment,” Chapin said. “Any type of media is open to this kind of critical interrogation.”

Both Layne and Chapin encourage students to attend upcoming Filmosophy events, regardless of their major. From a practical perspective, Layne said Filmosophy shows students that the philosophical concepts they talk about in classes are applicable in everyday life.  

Currently, there is not a set schedule for Filmosophy events this semester. Layne said she plans on having a screening sometime around Halloween and another during the holiday season. She encourages students to email her with movie suggestions at layne@gonzaga.edu

“Filmosophy is a place to practice thinking critically about the media we engage with,” Chapin said.

Will Hotchkiss is a staff writer. 


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