Home Health Angry Food Delivery Rider Attacks Cafe Staff. Watch Viral Video To Know Why

Angry Food Delivery Rider Attacks Cafe Staff. Watch Viral Video To Know Why

Angry Food Delivery Rider Attacks Cafe Staff. Watch Viral Video To Know Why


We have heard quite a few heart-warming stories of food delivery executives – how they work in opposition to the chances to do their job and ship our meals below all circumstances. We have seen a few of them going out of their approach to assist clients. So, this report got here as fairly a shock. A meals supply rider went rogue at a restaurant he visited to choose up a meals order for a buyer. He even attacked the employees by throwing issues at them. All this was captured within the CCTV digicam put in contained in the restaurant, the video of which was posted on Facebook by the eatery. The video is viral now.

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The incident occurred in a restaurant named Fumi Honey House in Penang, Malaysia on March 29, 2023. The cafe narrated your entire episode within the caption of the video. According to a report in ‘therakyatpost’ (TRP), Fumi Honey House had acquired a meals order from the Foodpanda supply app. But when half-hour had handed with none sight of the supply particular person, they reported it to the app and assigned one other rider. However, the initially assigned rider confirmed up with a buddy after 45 minutes and obtained livid along with his cancelled project. 

Watch the viral video right here:

The viral video has clocked over 480k views, 3k+ likes and hundreds of feedback. The video exhibits that after a heated argument, the rider threw a drink saved on the counter at a feminine employees in a match of rage. When one other worker intervened, he threw the cafe’s menu at her. 

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Fumi Honey House clarified that they needed to get the rider changed as they feared the client would possibly complain concerning the delay. The cafe additionally revealed that that they had reported the incident to Foodpanda but additionally discovered that a number of the riders had been nonetheless delivering meals utilizing a distinct identification.

According to some newest stories, the rider has been arrested now. 

About Neha GroverLove for studying roused her writing instincts. Neha is responsible of getting a deep-set fixation with something caffeinated. When she will not be pouring out her nest of ideas onto the display screen, you’ll be able to see her studying whereas sipping on espresso.

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