Home Latest Another youngster dies of measles; toll reaches 10

Another youngster dies of measles; toll reaches 10

Another youngster dies of measles; toll reaches 10


One extra youngster succumbed to measles in Mumbai on Monday, taking the toll to 10, of which, 9 are from town whereas one was reported from Bhiwadi, Thane. The civic physique’s dying committee has confirmed eight different suspected related deaths within the metropolis as ‘deaths due to measles’.

On November 19, a 15-month-old lady from Govandi that falls underneath the M-East ward succumbed to the an infection.

As per the BMC, the kid had Hydrocephalus — a medical situation with the buildup of fluid within the cavities (ventricles) deep throughout the mind.

At the age of 5 months, she was operated upon for a similar.“On November 3, she developed a fever and cough. In two days, she had rashes and was admitted to the paediatric ward at a government hospital. She was detected with left ventricular hypokinesia,” stated an officer.

On November 11, she developed coronary heart failure and was shifted to the paediatric ICU. When her situation deteriorated additional, she was placed on ventilator help however that didn’t assist.

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