Home FEATURED NEWS AP farmer collapses on bridge after cardiac arrest; cop performs CPR. Watch video

AP farmer collapses on bridge after cardiac arrest; cop performs CPR. Watch video



Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) turns out to be life-saving in many emergency situations and as doctors say, prompt actions prove to be rewarding. For one such prompt action, a police officer in Andhra Pradesh won praises online after he saved the life of a farmer who collapsed on the Gammon bridge. The policeman was quick to perform CPR and averted a tragedy.

Andhra Pradesh police took to Twitter to share the clip showing the procedure. In the short video, the police officer is seen applying pressure on the farmer’s chest while others are seen helping him. CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed to restore breathing and hearbeat during heart attacks.

AP police identified the Circle Inspector (CI) of Police Rahamhendravarm and said that the farmer was immediately rushed to a hospital for further treatment. The law enforcement agency also noted that the farmer collapsed on the bridge during the Maha Padayatra organised by Amaravati farmers.

Director General of Police K V Rajendranath Reddy also appreciated the timely intervention made by the CI. “#DGP Shri K.V Rajendranath Reddy, IPS appreciates the timely response of @EGDISTPOLICE while discharging duties & bringing back the life of a person.(3/3) #WeServeWithPrideAndCare,” read the police force’s Twitter thread.

The short clip shared on Tuesday has amassed more than 36,700 views on Twitter. Netizens praised the police officer for saving the farmer’s life. A user commented, “Kudos to the police officials for timely intervention and doing the CPR. These basics of how to deal with emergencies should be taught to everyone and it should become a citizens movement. Even one life saved is too many.” Another user wrote, “Hats off to our police who exercised their training activity in right time.” A third user commented, “Salute 🫡 to everyone involved in this heroic act.”

In September this year, a Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel earned accolades online for performing CPR on a passenger who suffered cardiac arrest at Chennai airport. In the video shared online, the man was seen lying on a stretcher while others assisted the CISF personnel during the procedure.

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