Home Latest As pressure to share technology mounts, BioNTech selects Rwanda for latest vaccine site

As pressure to share technology mounts, BioNTech selects Rwanda for latest vaccine site

As pressure to share technology mounts, BioNTech selects Rwanda for latest vaccine site


BioN­Tech’s first mR­NA-based vac­cine site in Africa will call Rwan­da home, and con­struc­tion is set to start in mid-2022, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day at a pub­lic health fo­rum.

The Ger­man com­pa­ny signed a mem­o­ran­dum of un­der­stand­ing, af­ter a meet­ing be­tween Rwan­da’s Min­is­ter of Health, Daniel Ngami­je, Sene­gal’s Min­is­ter of For­eign Af­fairs Aïs­sa­ta Tall Sall, and se­nior BioN­Tech of­fi­cials. Con­struc­tion plans have been fi­nal­ized, and as­sets have been or­dered. The agree­ment will help bring end-to-end man­u­fac­tur­ing to Africa, and as many as sev­er­al hun­dred mil­lion dos­es of vac­cines per year, though ini­tial pro­duc­tion will be more mod­est.

The move comes as pres­sure mounts on Mod­er­na and BioN­Tech (and its part­ner Pfiz­er) to make their Covid-19 vac­cine more ac­ces­si­ble to the vast swaths of the globe still des­per­ate for dos­es. That’s in­clud­ed calls for the com­pa­nies to share their in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, which the drug­mak­ers view as anath­e­ma.

Both have now an­nounced plans to open plants in Africa, al­though each of the pro­pos­als has faced crit­i­cism that they won’t help slow this pan­dem­ic. And al­though BioN­Tech un­veiled its plans in co­or­di­na­tion with the WHO and lo­cal gov­ern­ments, Mod­er­na faced crit­i­cism that its plan wasn’t suf­fi­cient­ly thought out: When it made its an­nounce­ment, the com­pa­ny hadn’t de­cid­ed which of the con­ti­nent’s 55 coun­tries to place their site in.

Both moves al­so come as the com­pa­nies ig­nore an mR­NA tech­nol­o­gy hub set up by the WHO, prompt­ing the or­ga­ni­za­tion to try and re­verse en­gi­neer Mod­er­na’s vac­cine.

Al­so on Tues­day, in what could per­haps one of the most an­tic­i­pat­ed an­nounce­ments Mod­er­na has made in re­cent months, the Cam­bridge, MA biotech will sup­ply up to 110 mil­lion dos­es of its Covid-19 vac­cine to the African Union, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day. CEO Stephane Ban­cel said it is just the first step.

“We rec­og­nize that ac­cess to COVID-19 vac­cines con­tin­ues to be a chal­lenge in many parts of the world and we re­main com­mit­ted to help­ing to pro­tect as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble around the globe,” he said in a state­ment.

The first 15 mil­lion dos­es will come in Q4 of 2021, with an­oth­er 35 mil­lion in Q1 of 2022 and up to 60 mil­lion in Q2 2022.

As of mid-Oc­to­ber, just nine African coun­tries had met the goal of vac­ci­nat­ing 10% of their pop­u­la­tions by the end of Sep­tem­ber, ac­cord­ing to the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion. The con­ti­nent has large­ly been left be­hind amid vac­ci­na­tion ef­forts, with rough­ly 4% of its to­tal pop­u­la­tion vac­ci­nat­ed. Even as the US pumped $200 mil­lion in­to a Gqe­ber­ha, South Africa plant owned by As­pen Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal to in­crease the sup­ply of J&J shots, those dos­es were ini­tial­ly shipped back over­seas to Eu­rope.

“Bring­ing end-to-end vac­cine man­u­fac­tur­ing of bi­o­log­i­cals to Africa is es­sen­tial for our con­ti­nent’s health se­cu­ri­ty and pros­per­i­ty,” Ngami­je said in a press re­lease. “Rwan­da is com­mit­ted to work­ing with the African Union, the Eu­ro­pean Union, BioN­Tech, and oth­er tech­nol­o­gy part­ners to make this a re­al­i­ty as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.”

BioN­Tech will staff, own and op­er­ate the site at first, to help safe­ly ramp up pro­duc­tion. Then, it will trans­fer knowl­edge to lo­cal part­ners. The Rwan­da De­vel­op­ment Board and In­sti­tut Pas­teur de Dakar in Sene­gal have both agreed to quick­ly build up its hu­man re­sources op­er­a­tions to take over own­er­ship.

Sierk Po­et­ting

BioN­Tech is us­ing its fa­cil­i­ty in Mar­burg, Ger­many site as an ex­am­ple for the Rwan­dan site. Ca­pac­i­ty will start at 50 mil­lion dos­es a year, then in­crease se­quen­tial­ly by adding man­u­fac­tur­ing lines and sites as the project pro­gress­es.

“We aim to ac­cel­er­ate the build­ing of a GMP-cer­ti­fied man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty and plan to be­gin the con­struc­tion on site in mid-2022. The MoU un­der­lines that time is a crit­i­cal suc­cess fac­tor in the de­vel­op­ment of sus­tain­able vac­cine pro­duc­tion for the African Union,” COO Sierk Po­et­ting said in a press re­lease. “We have fi­nal­ized the plan­ning and ini­tial as­sets for the new fa­cil­i­ty have al­ready been or­dered.”

BioN­Tech CEO Ugur Sahin had met with Paul Kagame, the pres­i­dent of Rwan­da, as well as Sene­galese Pres­i­dent Macky Sall and EC Pres­i­dent Ur­su­la von der Leyen in Au­gust to dis­cuss a pos­si­ble site for its new man­u­fac­tur­ing op­er­a­tions.

The com­pa­ny was among the first to pub­licly an­nounce stage two of its man­u­fac­tur­ing plan, once the need for Covid-19 vac­cine and treat­ment man­u­fac­tur­ing dies down. BioN­Tech will spin its pro­duc­tion in­to malar­ia and tu­ber­cu­lo­sis vac­cines when the time is right. But be­fore then, it will up its ca­pac­i­ty across the board, as the vac­cine is al­ready be­ing man­u­fac­tured on three con­ti­nents and in 20 sites. It’s all part of the plan to have a 4 bil­lion dose ca­pac­i­ty in 2022.


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