Home FEATURED NEWS ‘Bajrang, Vinesh, Sakshi are accountable’: Brij Bhushan Singh on Wrestling Federation of India’s suspension | More sports activities News

‘Bajrang, Vinesh, Sakshi are accountable’: Brij Bhushan Singh on Wrestling Federation of India’s suspension | More sports activities News



NEW DELHI: Former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Singh positioned blame on distinguished wrestlers Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, and Sakshi Malik for the suspension of the federation. This suspension comes as a extreme blow forward of main sporting occasions just like the Asian Games, World Wrestling Championships, and the extremely anticipated 2024 Paris Olympics.
United World Wrestling (UWW) on Thursday made the choice to droop the WFI with instant impact attributable to a delay in conducting important elections.
Addressing the difficulty, Brij Bhushan Singh expressed his efforts to facilitate well timed elections and make clear the challenges encountered within the course of.”WFI elections could not happen on time and that is why the federation was suspended. I also tried that they take place on time, but due to some accusations made by players, the centre asked me to step aside from wrestling and I did. It tried four times for elections to be conducted but every time, we faced an obstacle,” stated Brij Bhushan in a press convention at Gonda, UP.
“From UP for elections, me and my son were the voters. The players wanted that no one from our family should vote and I accepted that and sent other names. But still, elections did not happen. For the past eight months or so, all wrestling activity is on hold. No camp has been held for the Asian Games. World Championships, an Olympics qualifying event is also coming, but no camp has been held so far. If no solution is found, our players will not be able to represent our flag in Asian Games, World Championships and Olympics. For all this, three “dharnajeevi” wrestlers, Bajrang, Sakshi and Vinesh are responsible. They have made a joke out of our wrestling,” he added.


Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik. (TOI Photo)
The former president highlighted a contentious matter associated to the elections, the place gamers expressed considerations about his household’s involvement within the voting course of. He said that he acquiesced to their request and proposed various voters, but the elections nonetheless confronted impediments.

Olympic medalist Yogeshwar Dutt additionally expressed his concern over the suspension, emphasising the potential repercussions for Indian wrestlers.
“When you talk about suspension of WFI, we have to note that the Asian Games and World Championships are around the corner. Even if our wrestlers win there, our country will suffer because the quota will go to some other nation. It will be a huge loss,” he stated on Thursday.
The suspension stemmed from WFI’s lack of ability to carry elections throughout the stipulated 45-day interval. Originally scheduled for August 12, the WFI elections had been delayed attributable to authorized issues and controversies surrounding the federation. A keep order issued by the Punjab and Haryana High Court postponed the elections to August 28 following a petition by the Haryana Wrestling Association.
The upheaval throughout the WFI has solid a shadow over the wrestling group in India, resulting in an advert hoc committee overseeing the federation’s affairs beneath the Indian Olympic Association. The uncertainty surrounding the federation’s management has raised considerations in regards to the preparedness of Indian wrestlers for upcoming worldwide competitions.
Amid allegations of sexual harassment towards the previous WFI chief, the UWW had beforehand issued a warning in May, stating {that a} failure to carry elections throughout the specified timeframe may end result within the federation’s suspension.
(With inputs from ANI)

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