Home FEATURED NEWS Bill Gates on innovation to deal with local weather change

Bill Gates on innovation to deal with local weather change



Billionaire-philanthropist Bill Gates on Wednesday expressed concern over local weather change and known as for scientific improvements to deal with the issue, asking India to take the lead.

“It just gets worse somewhere slightly every year, but it’s one of the hardest things to fix because modern economies throughout the globe are based on energy intensity and over 80 per cent of this energy comes from burning hydrocarbons,” he stated.

Gates, co-chair and trustee of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was delivering the fifth Ramnath Goenka lecture on ‘Creating an Equal World: Power of Innovation’. The occasion was organised by The Indian Express Group.

To handle the issue of local weather change, he stated, the problem is “pretty incredible” relating to creating options that aren’t simply low-cost but additionally dependable.

“I find these challenges exciting and I always see a chance for innovation if we can get young people and explain that challenge to them and get capital to them. Then I think innovation can help continue with the human progress,” he stated.

While the “global innovation boom” is taking over the powerful issues of local weather change, the world is “counting on India to play a central role”, Gates stated.

“You have got 700 million young people, you have educational institutions, it just gets stronger. So we need innovation from the whole world, but a lot specifically from India,” he stated.

“We are looking to India for a significant part of that so that we can overcome the world’s great challenges,” he added.

Gates famous that “most of the emission” contributing to heating comes from the wealthy nations and but “most of the damage” can be within the center revenue and decrease revenue nations which can be close to the equator.

“So it’s an incredible injustice,” he stated, including, “Even though it kind of creeps up on you, we need to act now in a very big way.” Gates appreciated the works being performed within the renewable power sector in India.

“India is leading the way in showing all sorts of innovative applications,” he added.

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