Home FEATURED NEWS BJP chief Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi

BJP chief Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi



As per the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), guidelines of which have been notified on Monday, the federal government will now begin granting Indian nationality to persecuted non-Muslim migrants — Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians — from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan who arrived in India earlier than December 31, 2014.

Refuting speculations over NRC that it’s going to be a potential follow-up, which had triggered worry among the many minorities, Naqvi stated such fears are unwarranted.

“The opposition is creating fear psychosis based on speculations that after CAA, NRC will be implemented. The opposition presuming that NRC will also be brought in is trying to create communal conflict to pursue vote bank politics,” he stated.

Naqvi stated the Muslim group has realised the event work the BJP authorities has ushered within the final 10 years.

“Muslims have realised that PM Modi has not discriminated against them in terms of development. Before 2014, a communal campaign was run against Modi that the Muslims would be in danger if he came to power. Now the Muslims, too, have realised that those were completely false,” he stated.

Naqvi stated sustaining communal concord within the nation is without doubt one of the largest achievements of the Modi authorities because the “secular commitments of the BJP as per the constitution are much higher than the previous Congress government.”

Lambasting the Congress, the communists and the Trinamool Congress, he stated Modi’s “mathematics of inclusive work has spoiled the chemistry of the feudal families”.

“We have delivered development with dignity and empowerment without appeasement. In today’s date, Modi’s secular commitment as per the constitution is much higher than that of former Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi,” he stated.

Alleging that the nation witnessed an “era of policy paralysis” in the course of the successive Congress governments, Naqvi stated Modi has destroyed “corruption and dynastic politics and has delivered a new era of development.”

By destroying the “custom of corruption and dynastic politics”, Modi has change into a world model of “perform, reform and transform through his commitment to good governance and inclusive empowerment,” Naqvi stated.

“The mood of the nation is that the BJP government led by Narendra Modi is going to return to power for the third consecutive term. Be it welfare policies, national security, and good governance, the Modi government has set new records in every sector. Now terrorist attacks every month in parts of the country are a thing of the past,” he stated.

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