Home FEATURED NEWS BJP On Rahul Gandhi’s War With China Alarm

BJP On Rahul Gandhi’s War With China Alarm



'This Isn't Nehru's India': BJP On Rahul Gandhi's 'War' With China Alarm

The BJP mentioned Nehru had allowed China to seize Indian territory.

New Delhi:

Hitting again at Congress chief Rahul Gandhi for claiming that India is ignoring the specter of battle from China, the BJP on Friday accused him of making an attempt to demoralise the navy and took a swipe at his great-grandfather former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Speaking to journalists at a stopover throughout his Bharat Jodo Yatra earlier within the day, Mr Gandhi alleged that China is getting ready for battle and the Indian authorities is sleeping over it and ignoring the risk.

Responding to the remark, BJP spokesperson Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore mentioned, “Rahul Gandhi feels there should be proximity with China. Now, he has developed so much proximity that he knows what China will do.”

“During his yatra, Rahul Gandhi has made comments about Indian security and border areas to spread confusion in the country and demoralise Indian soldiers. This is not the India of his great-grandfather Nehru, who lost 37,242 square km to China while sleeping,” he instructed a information convention in New Delhi, referring to the 1962 battle between India and China.

He mentioned Mr Gandhi mustn’t make “irresponsible remarks about national security” in a bid to “re-launch” himself.

After Rahul Gandhi’s great-grandfather misplaced land to China, Mr Rathore mentioned, “now he feels there should be proximity with China, and he has developed so much proximity with China that he knows what China will do.”

Attacking the Congress with over the Sonia Gandhi-led Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Mr Rathore alleged, “It was on the payrolls of the Communist Party of China. Congress party signed an agreement with the Communist Party of China.”

Mr Rathore, a former Union Minister, claimed there have been quite a few Chinese transgressions through the Congress-led UPA authorities on the Centre.

Whereas, there was a three-time improve in spending on border infrastructure because the Narendra Modi authorities assumed workplace in 2014. The nation is now firmly guarding its borders and territory, he added.

Earlier within the day, Mr Gandhi mentioned, “I can see the threat of China very clearly. I have been clear on this for the last two-three years, but the government is trying to hide it and ignore it. This threat can neither be hidden nor ignored. Going by their full offensive preparation that is on in Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh, the Indian government is asleep.”

“The government does not want to hear this, but their (China’s) preparation is on. The preparation is for war. It is not for incursion, but for war. If you look at their weapon pattern, and what they are doing — they are preparing for war. Our government hides this and is not able to accept it,” the previous Congress chief mentioned.

He mentioned that is taking place as a result of the Narendra Modi authorities does “event-based work” and “does not work strategically”.

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