Home Health Boost Your Bone Health With These 5 Calcium-Rich Foods

Boost Your Bone Health With These 5 Calcium-Rich Foods

Boost Your Bone Health With These 5 Calcium-Rich Foods


All our childhood, we’ve got been inspired to drink milk daily to have wholesome and strong bones all our life. Even if we eat a calcium-rich food plan whereas rising up, our bones are consistently regenerating as new bone is fashioned and outdated bone is destroyed. This means you will need to present calcium to our physique all through its life. So, no matter age you’re at, make it some extent to complement your food plan with calcium-rich meals. Calcium is without doubt one of the most important vitamins for our physique. It’s vital to eat calcium-rich meals commonly, as our physique can not produce calcium by itself. Here are a few of the most typical and greatest calcium-rich meals which you can add to your food plan for robust bones. You do not should make any particular effort to get them, likelihood is they’re already current in your kitchen at virtually all occasions.

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Here’re 5 Common Calcium-Rich Foods For Healthy Bones:

1. Dairy Products

Dairy merchandise like milk, cheese, and yogurt are extraordinarily wealthy in calcium. Cheese can also be a superb supply of calcium, nevertheless, it is vital to decide on low-fat choices to keep away from consumption of an extreme quantity of saturated fats.


There are many varieties of cheese out there in market.

2. Green Leafy Vegetables

Leafy greens like fenugreek and spinach are additionally nice sources of calcium. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 gms of spinach comprises 99 mg of calcium. These greens are additionally excessive in different important vitamins like vitamin Ok, that are helpful for bone well being.

3. Fish

This could also be not recognized to many individuals, however fish like salmon and sardines additionally provide a superb quantity of calcium. Salmon additionally comprises vitamin D, which helps within the absorption of calcium. Omega 3 fatty acids additionally give wholesome fat to lubricate and strengthen bones.


Eat tasty fish curry to get calcium.

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4. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds like almonds and chia seeds are glorious sources of calcium. One cup of almonds alone can meet greater than one-third of the day by day advisable quantity of calcium. But since nuts and seeds are additionally excessive in fat, make sure that to restrict their consumption.

5. Beans

Now you will have one more reason to gorge in your favorite rajma and chole. According to nutritionist Nmami Agarwal, beans are a powerhouse of bone-friendly vitamins like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, which assist to enhance bone well being.

Make positive to incorporate quite a lot of nutrient-rich meals in your food plan to take care of robust and wholesome bones.

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