Home Latest Bus-sized asteroid to pass close to the earth: NASA

Bus-sized asteroid to pass close to the earth: NASA

Bus-sized asteroid to pass close to the earth: NASA


As interstellar traffic goes, this is a close one.

According to a report in The Independent, an asteroid the size of a mini-bus is set to fly past Earth in the coming hours.

The object, known as 2020 SW, will fly just 13,000 miles above the Earth’s surface on 24 September, NASA has said.

That is closer than the artificial objects that are in orbit around our planet, and power GPS, televisions and more — a close call, indeed.

The object was only discovered on the 18th of September by a NASA-funded project in Arizona, and further observations were able to track its trajectory and rule out any chance that it might collide with Earth, the report said.


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