Home Latest Celestial events in 2021 which avid stargazers won’t want to miss; Read to track them all

Celestial events in 2021 which avid stargazers won’t want to miss; Read to track them all

Celestial events in 2021 which avid stargazers won’t want to miss; Read to track them all


Space enthusiasts waiting for the upcoming celestial events are in for a treat as the universe has set up a quality show till 2021 meets its end. Stargazers will witness a number of events ranging from different phases of the Moon to sparkling meteor showers that start by October itself. Besides, our neighbouring planets like Mercury and Venus will also be fairly active in ensuring their inclusion in the astronomy calendar. Here are the major celestial events that you would not want to miss. 

Hunter Moon (Oct 20)

The Moon will be its brightest in this phase on October 20 as it will be directly facing the Sun. This phase of the Moon was named the ‘Hunter Moon’ because this time of the year symbolised the peak hunting period for the native American tribes. 

Orionids meteor shower (Oct 21-22)

Astronomy geeks will be pleased to know that the October skies will be illuminated by Orionids meteor showers that will cruise through on October 21 and 22. Although this event spans from early October to November, the 21st and 22nd days of this month will be the peak of the event. Interestingly, the Earth will get to see up to 20 meteors per hour during peak hours, which will be remnants of the famous Halley’s comet. Interested people can spot the shower better from dark locations as the full moon might diminish their glare to some extent. 

Mercury’s great western elongation (Oct 25)

Spotting Mercury will be the easiest on October 25 as the planet drifts to its farthest distance from the Sun. Mercury can be easily traced as it will shine the brightest above the horizon in the morning sky. 

Venus’ great eastern elongation (Oct 29)

Acting just the opposite of Mercury, Venus will shine in the evening sky above the horizon on October 29. At this point, Venus is also at its farthest distance from the Sun. 

Taurids meteor shower (Nov 4-5)

Although this event spans from September to December, the shower this year will be at its peak on November 4 and 5. Those looking up will be able to witness up to 5-10 meteors every hour in two separate streams. Besides, the lack of Moon in the sky during this time will enhance the glow of the passing meteors. 

Leonids meteor shower (Nov 17-18)

The Leonids meteor shower will peak on the coinciding night and morning of November 17 and 18 respectively when up to 15 meteors per hour can be spotted. Again, those looking forward to the event must look for dark locations where unnecessary light won’t diminish the meteor glow. 

Geminids meteor shower (Dec 13-14)

December will also host its first meteor shower on the 13th and 14th in what is considered the best among all of the known meteor events. The shower when at its peak can produce hundreds of multicoloured meteors per hour to illuminate the night sky. 

 Ursids Meteor Shower (Dec 21-22) 

The universe will close the show with the second meteor shower in December that will be spotted the clearest on December 21 and 22. This is only a minor shower that will produce 5-10 meteors per hour. 

Image: Unsplash


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