Home Health Center for Family Health column: Understanding and managing your prescriptions

Center for Family Health column: Understanding and managing your prescriptions

Center for Family Health column: Understanding and managing your prescriptions


By Proni Joshi

JACKSON, MI – Many people have several prescriptions they need to take every day. The more medications, the easier it becomes to miss a dose or make a mistake when taking them.

There is much more to managing medications than just remembering to take them every day. Let’s talk about some ways to help manage your medications.

Medications are either for treating or preventing an ailment. Understanding why you are taking each medication you are prescribed and how each one works in your body will maximize their benefit.

For instance, consuming food with medication sometimes can be helpful in reducing side effects or help your body absorb the medication. However, with other medications, consuming food can have the opposite effect.

Simply put, knowing how and why you take your medications can help make those medications do their job to the fullest – helping you get to better health.

Your pharmacist can provide you with a wealth of knowledge about your medications, such as when and how to take your medications, if there are any side effects or what to do if you miss a dose.

Pharmacy services, like Medication Therapy Management, can help you understand the importance of the medications you are taking, help you keep an eye out for medication-related problems and identify any barriers you may face in taking your medications. If you have trouble remembering to take multiple doses in a day, perhaps moving to a once-daily dosing will work better.

A pharmacist can also help with medication synchronization, a service where the pharmacy coordinates your prescription refill schedule so you can pick up all your medications at once. This reduces unnecessary trips to the pharmacy. Many pharmacies also provide delivery services.

There are many ways to keep track of your medications. Keeping a list of your medications, using pill box organizers and keeping a reminder on your phone or calendar are all great options. Relating pill-taking to daily activities, like taking your medications at mealtimes or when you wake up or go to bed, can helps make it a habit.

Additionally, using one pharmacy for all of your medications will help to avoid confusion, medication duplications, and potential drug interactions. Remember, your pharmacist is there to help and can help you feel confident that you are doing everything you can to make sure your medications are doing their best for you.

– Proni Joshi is a pharmacist with the Center for Family Health in Jackson


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