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Cervical Cancer Awareness: Experts debunk myths

Cervical Cancer Awareness: Experts debunk myths


Cervical Cancer Awareness: January is named the Cervical Cancer Awareness month because it helps in elevating consciousness in regards to the illness, potential methods of contracting it, and early levels of diagnosing it. Cervical Cancer develops within the cells of the cervix – the decrease a part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Common indicators of Cervical most cancers are bleeding in between the menstrual interval and after sexual activity. Lower stomach ache and decrease again ache may denote Cervical most cancers. However, in some folks, Cervical most cancers hardly present any signs within the early stages. As we observe January because the month of elevating Cervical Cancer Awareness, let us take a look at among the myths that exist round it, and debunk them:

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Monisha Gupta, Senior Consultant, Gyane Oncology, Fortis Shalimar Bagh helped us debunk some myths:

ALSO READ: Cervical Cancer Awareness: How to reduce the risk of developing this cancer

Myth: There is not any outlined trigger for cervical most cancers

Fact: We have a really well-known reason behind cervical most cancers and that’s Human Papillomavirus, HPV an infection.

Myth: HPV solely impacts folks with a number of sexual companions or unsafe intercourse practices.

Fact: HPV an infection happens in each female and male accomplice who’re sexually energetic. About 80% of men and women are HPV contaminated at each given level of time. The sexual transmission of HPV an infection between female and male occurs routinely.

Myth: Cervical most cancers is hereditary.

Fact: No. Cervical most cancers just isn’t hereditary like Breast and Ovarian most cancers.

Myth: Having HPV an infection means I shall have cervical most cancers.

Fact: No, there are greater than 100 strains of HPV virus, however ONLY 9-10 strains are identified to trigger most cancers. Moreover, majority of HPV infections get cleared from our physique attributable to our immune system inside 2 years.

Myth: There is not any want for screening take a look at if there are not any signs.

Fact: Cervical most cancers causes no signs in early stage in majority of females. And when signs happen, its normally stage II/III. So, it is essential to go for normal screening take a look at for early detection.

Myth: Screening for cervical most cancers must be accomplished yearly.

Fact: The preferrred protocol for cervical most cancers screening is 3-yearly Pap smear take a look at in ladies lower than 30 years and 5-yearly Pap+ HPV testing in ladies above 30 years until 65 years of age.

Myth: Why one ought to go for HPV vaccination

Fact: Since cervical most cancers is brought on by a viral an infection, it may be prevented by vaccination identical to polio, typhoid and different illnesses.

Dr. Tejinder Kataria, Chairperson Radiation Oncology & Cancer Center, Medanta – The Medicity additional helped us debunk just a few extra myths associated to Cervical Cancer:

Myth: Cancer cervix is contagious

Fact: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a standard an infection of the genital space and may be contagious via sexual contact.

Myth: HPV an infection can’t be eradicated

Fact: HPV an infection can happen as soon as in a life time of sexually energetic ladies and a big proportion of ladies clear this an infection from their system over time with the help of a wholesome immune system.

Myth: Cervical most cancers is deadly

Fact: Women with most cancers cervix stage 0-1A are curable in 93-95% of instances. The earlier the most cancers is detected the higher are treatment charges.

Myth: A constructive take a look at for HPV means most cancers will happen

Fact: Most of the ladies will clear the HPV an infection with a superb immune system Hence HPV an infection doesn’t imply most cancers will certainly happen.

Myth: PAP smear take a look at can rule out all ladies cancers

Fact: PAP smear take a look at is diagnostic just for most cancers cervix and doesn’t rule out breast, ovarian or uterine cancers.

Myth: HPV an infection happens solely in ladies

Fact: HPV an infection can happen in each men and women. In males it could possibly current as genital warts or may result in growth of anal /oro-pharyngeal cancers.

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