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Challenges Faced by Women in Technology and How to Overcome it

Challenges Faced by Women in Technology and How to Overcome it


Women in Tech

The world has heard enough mythical stories about women being equally strong to men not just mentally but sometimes physically in bearing heavy pain. One such familiar tale is from a group of tribes living deep inside a forest. It is said that every year they conduct a physical test to validate who endures severe pain from honey bee bite to choose the leader of the tribe group. But so far, no male has ever won it.

It is not just the tribe women who are proving their strength. Today, thousands of well-educated women in modern society are taking up tech jobs to prove their skills. But unfortunately, they are mediated by some barriers they need to overcome in order to settle and fit in their tech jobs. Lack of gender equality balance is a major obstacle that pushes women at tech to enact like a minion to their male coordinates. But social desires impact the sexual orientation of women in leadership and make them more strong and vocational.


Speaking Goes Unheard

Insights reveal that IT sector is one of the worst impacted fields when it comes to sexual orientation. IT field has a remarkably higher rate of sexual discrimination compared to all other industry. A survey unravels that in India around 42% of the women in tech feel that their voices and contributions to tech are unappreciated in the workplace which is twice the global average. Men get higher possibilities of making it to the system administration jobs which upset the ladies. When men are at high positions they tend to show misogynist mentality and practice towards their female partners in organization and social occasions. Meanwhile, representatives too show doubt in the chances of women addressing and resolving specialized issues.


Fearing the Self Threat of Not Fitting-in

The insecure feel of women not fitting in the male-dominant IT sector is quite unfair. A report suggests that around 60% of ladies working in tech report offensive behaviour. More than 33% of women IT professionals feel hazardous at work. These numbers reveal the hard truth behind the charisma of every female IT worker. Ladies in male-commendable fields mostly feel diffident and need self-assurance to combat dominance. A Survey found that while companies start with 30% women at the entry-level, the number of women dips to 10% at the managerial level and then reduces to only 1% at leadership levels. Women slow down in improvement with the societal norms and lack of cooperation.


Balancing Personal and Professional Life

Even when there is enough female majority in the IT sector, the women comprehended show hesitance to speak out as they think they don’t have the full assistance and support of the collaborators. The working women too come from a family where there is chaos at times. Both the family and work pressure push them into a deep pit from where they are trying to escape for a long time. Women try to keep a balance between work and home. Most of their energy is spent totally on validating their balance.


Getting Back after Career Breaks

Career breaks are an unsaid mandate to the women in any sector. When it comes to fields like technology, women on career breaks could lose touch with the industry trends and end up lacking the required skills to make a successful return to work. Often women are tormented to explain the reason for the career break when they plan to make a comeback. To avoid all these chaos even new moms cut their paid maternity leave and join employment to soothe the fear of losing the job due to non-attendance.


Some Points to Overcome the Obstacles

Segregation and imbalance in work towards women should be reported to the higher-ups immediately. The organization should take the issue seriously and try to solve it by sensitizing sexual orientations at the workplace.

Social standards should be nullified in business and family to aid the women and support them by wiping out societal norms pushed on them. Ladies should adopt to not feel insecure, bolstered and protected all the time.

Oblivious inclination, generalization and trouble to look for balance should be thrown away in order seek development.

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